A directory of 3,215 metrics from 54 UK-based data sources

Find relevant social care data
Social care datasets are gathered in one site to be accessible to social care experts and non-experts alike.
Search and filter functions help you find datasets which have collected data on topics you are interested in.

The Catalogue of Social Care Data collects and collates information about social care data in one site to encourage:
- The use of existing social care data and comparisons across datasets
- The filling of research gaps which might have escaped notice due to the fragmented nature of social care data
- Harmonisation of UK social care data (including increased use of relevant standard measures)
- Researchers from other fields to use social care data (leading to increased cross-specialism discoveries)

Provides links to data sources
The website provides a detailed list of what information was collected from participants or data managers during data collections, but it does not provide the resulting raw data. The website provides links to the organisations which hold the data.