How to use this site
Note: a ‘measure’ is a technical term used to describe a question asked to a participant during a survey or an item of information requested from a manager when they fill out a data return. For example, ‘Who do you live with?’ is a ‘measure’ and the possible responses might be, mother, father, brother, sister etc.
The two ways of searching the catalogue:
Two methods can be used to search the catalogue for relevant social care measures.
Useful tip: Consider running keyword searches in the ‘Question/data item’ and ‘Response scale’ categories of the custom search builder to find topics of interest’. For example: Question/data item > Contains > carer.

Video walkthroughs:

‘All datasets’ method:
As a user of the website, you can search for relevant measures, study-by-study. To do this you:
- Click on ‘all datasets’ in the ‘Search’ page.
- On the left had side of the screen select any filters you would like to apply to narrow-down the number of datasets you see listed. For example, you could narrow down the age at recruitment to 18-30 years old, immediately removing studies whose age of recruitment falls outside that selected range.
- You can then click on a dataset of interest. Here you will be provided with detailed information about the dataset and a long list of all the measures relevant to social care that it contains.
- You can then use custom search builder (click ‘add condition’) to filter-down the list of measures to the ones relevant to your area of interest. For example, by specifying that you only wish to see questions concerning ‘need’.
- You can then click on the ‘+’ (plus) icon at the start of a row to expand the row and view exactly what was asked for that measure.
- Finally, you can click the Excel, CSV or PDF icons on the right-hand side above the list of measures in order to download all stored information on the remaining list of measures to that page. Clicking ‘copy’ attaches the same information to your computer’s clipboard.

‘All measures’ method:
For the second method of searching the catalogue, users start by selecting ‘all measures’. This leads you to search as follows:
- Once you have selected ‘all measures’ you will be presented with a very long list containing all the individual measures from the entire website.
- You can then use the custom search builder (click ‘add condition’) to apply one or multiple filters to the long list of measures; for example, specifying that you only want measures where the informant (respondent answering the questions) was a ‘formal carer’.
- Again, you can click on the ‘+’ (plus) icon at the start of each row to expand the row and see exactly what was asked for each measure.
- Finally, as with the ‘all datasets’ method of searching, you can click the Excel, CSV or PDF icons on the right-hand side of the page above the list of measures, to download all stored information on the remaining list of measures from the webpage. Clicking ‘copy’ attaches the same information to your computer’s clipboard.