
Timeline Group label Sweep Group Sweep Title Participant age Starts Ends Scale Provision, Receipt, Need? Topic(s) Focus Informant: Multiple rater? Reporting Term Question(s) Response scale Standard instrument? Notes Physical Health Measures
2021 BCS-1868 January 2021 January 2022 Receipt of benefits including carer's allowance Receipt; Participant No Current

*Note: data for this sweep will be available in early 2024.

Which, if any, of these types of payments are you currently receiving?

1. Jobseeker’s Allowance
2. Income Support
3. Sickness, disability or incapacity benefits (including Employment and Support Allowance)
4. Pension benefits (including State Pension and Pension Credits)
5. Child Benefit
6. Tax credits, such as the Working Tax Credit, Disabled Person Tax Credit or Child Tax Credit
7. Any other family related benefit or payment
8. Housing Benefit or Council Tax Reduction (including direct payments to your landlord)
9. Carer’s Allowance
10. Income from a Coronavirus state benefit (including Self-Employment Income Support Scheme, Test and Trace Support Payment scheme)
11. Income from any other state benefit
12. None of these [EXCLUSIVE]


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