Timeline Group label | Sweep Group | Sweep Title | Participant age | Starts | Ends | Scale | Provision, Receipt, Need? | Topic(s) | Focus | Informant: | Multiple rater? | Reporting Term | Question(s) | Response scale | Standard instrument? | Notes | Physical Health Measures |
2017-18 Sweep | SchC-2988 | January 2017 | January 2018 | Pupil premium data linked to care status | Receipt; | Education professional | No | Academic year | Early years pupil premium (EYPP) (100559) is for disadvantaged three and four year olds. All three and four year olds are entitled to up to 15 hours per week of government funded early education for 38 weeks of the year. (As early years pupil premium data is only collected in the spring (January) census, the age range for 3 year olds is not restricted to the academic year (as is the usual practice with age ranges).) Children are eligible to receive EYPP (N00639) if they receive the universal 15 hours entitlement and either: • meet the benefits related criteria for free school meals (please note: meals delivered as part of the universal entitlement are not FSM) |
In receipt through eligibility for economic reasons: where they are in receipt via eligibility for the benefits related criteria for FSM |
No |