
Timeline Group label Sweep Group Sweep Title Participant age Starts Ends Scale Provision, Receipt, Need? Topic(s) Focus Informant: Multiple rater? Reporting Term Question(s) Response scale Standard instrument? Notes Physical Health Measures
2020-2021 Sweep SchC-2993 January 2020 January 2021 Pupil premium data linked to care status Receipt; Education professional No Academic year

Early years pupil premium [ALL Schools] [used for funding]
Early years pupil premium (EYPP) (N00639) is for disadvantaged three and four year olds (all three and four year olds are entitled to up to 15 hours per week of government funded free entitlement early education for 38 weeks of the year).

Children are eligible to receive EYPP (N00639) if they receive the universal 15 hours entitlement and either:

• meet benefits related criteria equivalent to those for free school meals (please note: meals delivered as part of the universal entitlement are not ‘FSM’; receipt of FSM does not automatically qualify a child for EYPP)1
• are in the care of the local authority (in England or Wales)
• have left care (in England or Wales) through:
– adoption
– special guardianship
– a child arrangements order (formally known as a residence order)

As early years pupil premium data is only collected in the spring (January) census, the age range for 3 year olds is not restricted to the academic year (as is the usual practice with age ranges).

In receipt through eligibility for economic reasons: where they are in receipt via eligibility for the benefits related criteria for FSM
In receipt through eligibility for both reasons: where they are in receipt through eligibility for both economic and other reasons
In receipt through eligibility for other reasons: where they are in receipt due to eligibility for being in care or due to leaving care through adoption, a special guardianship order or a child arrangement order
In receipt through eligibility for unknown basis: where the school or AP provider knows the child is in receipt of EYPP (due to receiving funding from the local authority) but does not necessarily know the reason why


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