
Timeline Group label Sweep Group Sweep Title Participant age Starts Ends Scale Provision, Receipt, Need? Topic(s) Focus Informant: Multiple rater? Reporting Term Question(s) Response scale Standard instrument? Notes Physical Health Measures
Wave 7: Questionnaire LSYPE2-3706 January 2018 January 2019 Receipt of attendance allowance Receipt; Young Person No Current

How about the following state benefits? Are you currently receiving any of these either personally or on behalf of another person? Please do not include any benefits that your parents or family may receive.

1. Personal Independence Payment (including the car allowance known as Motability)
2. Disability Living Allowance (including the car allowance known as Motability)
3. Attendance Allowance
4. Severe Disablement Allowance
5. Incapacity Benefit
6. Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit
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General health

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