Timeline Group label | Sweep Group | Sweep Title | Participant age | Starts | Ends | Scale | Provision, Receipt, Need? | Topic(s) | Focus | Informant: | Multiple rater? | Reporting Term | Question(s) | Response scale | Standard instrument? | Notes | Physical Health Measures |
2018 Sweep | HSE-917 | January 2018 | January 2019 | ADLs/IADLs help - who helps | Receipt; | Participant | No | Past Month | I am now going to ask you some questions about who helps you with different things. I will show you two lists of people who may have helped you. First, please tell me about all of the people from this list who have helped you? Please only think about help received because of long-term physical or mental ill-health, disability or problems relating to old age. |
1 Husband/Wife/Partner |
No |