Fostering in England (FIE)

Measures describe a question asked to a participant during a survey or an item of information requested from a manager when they fill out a data return. For example, ‘Who do you live with?’ is a measure and the possible responses might be, mother, father, brother, sister etc.
Need/provision/receipt | Description of measure | Start Year | Age range | Age from | Age to | Informant | Multiple rater | Reporting term | Sweep title | Standard instrument | Question/Data item | Response scale | Notes | Physical health measures | Dataset | |
Provision; | Total no. of complaints not upheld about fostering | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Total complaints (complaints not upheld about fostering) |
Complaints (in-year) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | Region where IFA agency located | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Region in which Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) office is located |
For each named service whether they are located in: |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. of approved households by IFA agency | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Total approved households |
Number for each named agency |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. of approved carers by IFA agency | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Total approved carers |
Number for each named agency |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. of allegation investigations < 21 days | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Time taken to investigate allegation less than 21 working days |
Timescale for investigation (in-year) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. of allegation investigations = 22-30 days | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Time taken to investigate allegation 22 to 30 working days (4 to 6 weeks) |
Timescale for investigation (in-year) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. of allegation investigations = 31-50 days | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Time taken to investigate allegation 31 to 50 working days (6 to 10 weeks) |
Timescale for investigation (in-year) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. of allegation investigations 50+ days | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Time taken to investigate allegation more than 50 working days (more than 10 weeks) |
Timescale for investigation (in-year) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. of DBS referrals due to allegations | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Number of referrals to the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) (allegations by foster children and other sources) |
Referrals (in-year) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. of LA child protection referrals due to allegations | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Number of referrals to the local authority child protection team (allegations by foster children and other sources) |
Referrals (in-year) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. of section 47 enquiries | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Number of Section 47 enquiries (allegations by foster children and other sources) |
Referrals (in-year) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. of physical restrained incidents by foster carers | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Number of recorded incidents of physical restraint by foster carers (allegations by foster children and other sources) |
Physical restraint (in-year) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. of physical restrained incidents by foster household | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Number of households that restrained CYP (allegations by foster children and other sources) |
Physical restraint (in-year) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. of CYP complaints about fostering | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | CYP (complaints made about fostering) |
Complaints (in-year) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. of CYP complaints about fostering not upheld | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | CYP (complaints not upheld about fostering) |
Complaints (in-year) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. of foster carer complaints about fostering | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Foster carers (complaints made about fostering) |
Complaints (in-year) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. of social workers' complaints made about fostering | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | CYP’s social workers (complaints made about fostering) |
Complaints (in-year) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. of CYP's social workers' complaints made about fostering | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Other professionals (complaints made about fostering) |
Complaints (in-year) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. of other professionals' complaints made about fostering | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Other professionals (complaints made about fostering) |
Complaints (in-year) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. of CYP parents' complaints made about fostering | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | CYP’s parents (complaints made about fostering) |
Complaints (in-year) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. of CYP parents' complaints not upheld about fostering | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | CYP’s parents (complaints not upheld about fostering) |
Complaints (in-year) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. of other complaints about fostering | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Others (complaints made about fostering) |
Complaints (in-year) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. of other complaints not upheld about fostering | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Others (complaints not upheld about fostering) |
Complaints (in-year) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | Total no. of complaints made about fostering | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Total complaints (complaints made about fostering) |
Complaints (in-year) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. of deregistered foster carers - unknown reason | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Deregistration of foster carer for unknown reason |
Deregistrations by reason (in-year) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. IRM foster carer application reviews | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Number of foster carer applications for a review to the IRM |
Referrals to the IRM (in-year) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. of reviewed referrals to IRM | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Number of foster carers which resulted in a recommendation being made to review the decision |
Referrals to the IRM (in-year) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. of foster carers completing TSD standards | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Number of individual foster carers who had completed the TSD Standards (Training, Support |
Training and development numbers (at 31 March) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. of foster carers completing TSD standards | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Number of individual foster carers who were awaiting sign-off on the TSD Standards (Training, Support |
Training and development numbers (at 31 March) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. of foster carers in progress TSD standards | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Number of individual foster carers who were in progress completing the TSD Standards (Training, Support |
Training and development numbers (at 31 March) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. of foster carers yet to start TSD standards | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Number of individual foster carers who had not yet commenced the TSD Standards (Training, Support |
Training and development numbers (at 31 March) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. of foster carers unknown TSD standard qualification | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Number of individual foster carers with TSD Standards training status unknown (Training, Support |
Training and development numbers (at 31 March) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. of allegations against foster carers - by children | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Number of allegations against foster carers by fostered children |
Number of allegations of abuse (in-year) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. of allegations against foster carers - by other sources | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Number of allegations against foster carers by other sources |
Number of allegations of abuse (in-year) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. of allegations made | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Total number of allegations made |
Number of allegations of abuse (in-year) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. of allegations against foster carers | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Number of children made allegations against foster carers |
Number of allegations of abuse (in-year) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. of foster carers subject to allegations | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Number of foster carers subject to allegations |
Number of allegations of abuse (in-year) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. of foster carers subject to allegations - phyical abuse | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Physical abuse allegations by foster children |
Category of alleged abuse (in-year) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. of foster carers subject to allegations - sexual abuse | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Sexual abuse allegations by foster children |
Category of alleged abuse (in-year) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. of foster carers subject to allegations - neglect | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Neglect allegations by foster children |
Category of alleged abuse (in-year) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. of foster carers subject to allegations - emotional abuse | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Emotional abuse allegations by foster children |
Category of alleged abuse (in-year) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. of foster carers subject to allegations - concerns resolved | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Concerns resolved, no further action (allegations by foster children and other sources) |
Outcome of investigation (in-year) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. of foster carers subject to allegations - continued monitoring | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Continued monitoring for agreed period (allegations by foster children and other sources) |
Outcome of investigation (in-year) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. of foster carers subject to allegations - concern remained | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Concern remained, refer to fostering panel for review (allegations by foster children and other sources) |
Outcome of investigation (in-year) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | Foster parent ethnicity | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Black/Black British ethnicity foster carers |
Newly approved foster carers by ethnicity (at 31 March) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | Foster parent ethnicity | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Other ethnic groups foster carers |
Newly approved foster carers by ethnicity (at 31 March) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | Foster parent ethnicity | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Not known ethnicity of foster carers |
Newly approved foster carers by ethnicity (at 31 March) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | Age of newly approved foster carer | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Newly approved foster carer aged 20 to 24 |
Newly approved foster carers by age (at 31 March) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | Age of newly approved foster carer | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Newly approved foster carer aged 25 to 29 |
Newly approved foster carers by age (at 31 March) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | Age of newly approved foster carer | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Newly approved foster carer aged 30 to 34 |
Newly approved foster carers by age (at 31 March) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | Age of newly approved foster carer | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Newly approved foster carer aged 35 to 39 |
Newly approved foster carers by age (at 31 March) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | Age of newly approved foster carer | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Newly approved foster carer aged 40 to 44 |
Newly approved foster carers by age (at 31 March) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | Age of newly approved foster carer | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Newly approved foster carer aged 45 to 49 |
Newly approved foster carers by age (at 31 March) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | Age of newly approved foster carer | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Newly approved foster carer aged 50 to 54 |
Newly approved foster carers by age (at 31 March) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | Age of newly approved foster carer | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Newly approved foster carer aged 55 to 59 |
Newly approved foster carers by age (at 31 March) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | Age of newly approved foster carer | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Newly approved foster carer aged 60 to 64 |
Newly approved foster carers by age (at 31 March) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | Age of newly approved foster carer | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Newly approved foster carer aged 65+ |
Newly approved foster carers by age (at 31 March) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | Total foster households deregistered | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Total households deregistered between 1 April and 31 March |
Deregistration’s (in-year) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. of deregistered foster carers to facilitate LA transfer | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Deregistered foster carer to facilitate a transfer to a local authority |
Deregistration’s by reason (in-year) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. of deregistered foster carers to facilitate IFA transfer | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Deregistered of foster carer to facilitate a transfer to an independent fostering agency |
Deregistration’s by reason (in-year) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. of deregistered foster carers by service | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Deregistration of foster carer initiated by the fostering service |
Deregistration’s by reason (in-year) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. of deregistered foster carers by foster carer | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Deregistration of foster carer initiated by the foster carer |
Deregistration’s by reason (in-year) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. of deregistered foster carers as they adopted child | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Deregistered of foster carer as family adopted the child/children |
Deregistrations by reason (in-year) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. of deregistered foster carers as they took special guardianship | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Deregistered foster carer as family took out a special guardianship order for the child/children |
Deregistrations by reason (in-year) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. of newly approved emergency foster care | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Newly approved emergency foster care |
Newly approved households by primary approval type (at 31 March) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. of newly approved parent and child placements | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Newly approved parent and child |
Newly approved households by primary approval type (at 31 March) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. of newly approved multi-dimensional treatment | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Newly approved multi-dimensional treatment |
Newly approved households by primary approval type (at 31 March) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. of newly approved remand placements | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Newly approved remand |
Newly approved households by primary approval type (at 31 March) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. of newly approved other placements | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Newly approved other |
Newly approved households by primary approval type (at 31 March) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. of newly approved to adopt placements | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Newly approved fostering to adopt |
Newly approved households by primary approval type (at 31 March) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. of newly approved short breaks | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Newly approved short breaks |
Newly approved households by primary approval type (at 31 March) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. of newly approved shared care placements | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Newly approved shared care |
Newly approved households by primary approval type (at 31 March) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. newly approved to foster 1 child | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Newly approved fostering of one child |
Newly approved households by total number of places (at 31 March) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. newly approved to foster 2 children | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Newly approved fostering of two children |
Newly approved households by total number of places (at 31 March) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. newly approved to foster 3 children | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Newly approved fostering of three children |
Newly approved households by total number of places (at 31 March) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. newly approved to foster 4 children | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Newly approved fostering of four or more children |
Newly approved households by total number of places (at 31 March) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. newly approved person new to fostering | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Newly approved person new to fostering |
Newly approved households by fostering experience (at 31 March) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. newly approved transferring agencies | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Newly approved transferring from another fostering agency |
Newly approved households by fostering experience (at 31 March) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. newly approved return to fostering | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Newly approved returning to fostering |
Newly approved households by fostering experience (at 31 March) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | Total number of foster carers approved in year (still active) | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Total number of foster carers approved in year still active at 31 March |
Newly approved foster carers (at 31 March) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | Total number of foster carers approved in year | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Total number of foster carers newly approved between 1 April and 31 March |
Newly approved foster carers (in-year) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | Foster parent ethnicity | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | White ethnicity foster carers |
Newly approved foster carers by ethnicity (at 31 March) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | Foster parent ethnicity | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Mixed ethnicity foster carers |
Newly approved foster carers by ethnicity (at 31 March) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | Foster parent ethnicity | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Asian/Asian British ethnicity foster carers |
Newly approved foster carers by ethnicity (at 31 March) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | Number of placements used for short break care | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Number of places used for short break care |
Number of households/other placements (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. carer taking break/registration pending | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Carer(s) taking a break/pending resignation |
Number of households/other placements (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. carers under investigation | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Carer(s) under investigation |
Number of households/other placements (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. of unstated child needs | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Needs of child not otherwise stated |
Number of households/other placements (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No of sibling group placements | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Placement only available if sibling group placed |
Number of households/other placements (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. of pending placements | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Reserved for pending placement |
Number of households/other placements (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. of placements reserved for short breaks | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Reserved for short breaks placement |
Number of households/other placements (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. of children staying put in placement | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Number of children staying put in placement |
Number of households/other placements (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. of fostering limit exemption households | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Number of households approved at 31 March that had exemptions to the usual fostering limit in place at any time during the year |
Number of households/other placements (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. of new fostering family enquiries | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Number of initial enquiries from new prospective fostering households |
Initial enquiries (in-year) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. of applications to foster | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Total number of applications received from prospective fostering households between 1 April and 31 March |
Applications received (in-year) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. of fostering applications approved | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Number of applications approved |
Applications received (in-year) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. of fostering applications withdrawn by applicants | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Number of applications withdrawn by applicants |
Applications received (in-year) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. of fostering applications withdrawn by services | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Number of applications withdrawn by services |
Applications received (in-year) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. of fostering applications rejected | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Number of applications rejected after being presented to panel |
Applications received (in-year) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. of fostering applications remaining in progress | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Number of applications which remained in progress on 31 March |
Applications received (in-year) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | Number of fostering household approvals in year | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Total number of households approved in year still active at 31 March |
Newly approved households (at 31 March) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | Number of newly approved fostering households | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Total number of households newly approved between 1 April and 31 March |
Newly approved households (in-year) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. of newly approved permanent foster care placements | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Newly approved permanent foster care |
Newly approved households by primary approval type (at 31 March) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | No. of newly approved non-permanent foster care placements | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Newly approved non-permanent foster care |
Newly approved households by primary approval type (at 31 March) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | Number of emergency foster placements | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Emergency placement offer |
Households by all placements offered (primary and additional) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | Number of parent + child placements | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Number of parent and child placement offers |
Households by all placements offered (primary and additional) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | Number - multi dimensional treatments | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Number of multi-dimensional treatment offered |
Households by all placements offered (primary and additional) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | Number of remand placements offered | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Remand fostering placement offered |
Households by all placements offered (primary and additional) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | Number of other types of placements offered | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Number of other placement offers |
Households by all placements offered (primary and additional) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | Numbers - fostering to adopt | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Number of people fostering to adopt |
Households by all placements offered (primary and additional) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | Numbers - short breaks | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Short break fostering offers |
Households by all placements offered (primary and additional) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | Numbers - shared care offers | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Shared care offers |
Households by all placements offered (primary and additional) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | Number of unknown placement offers | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Placement offer not known |
Households by all placements offered (primary and additional) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | Number of 0-8yr old foster children approvals | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | 0 to 8 age range household |
Households by approved age range (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | Number of 5-18yr old foster children approvals | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | 5 to 18 age range households |
Households by approved age range (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | Other age range foster children approvals | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Other age range households |
Households by approved age range (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | Number of households approved for 1 CYP | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Number of households approved for one CYP (child or young person) |
Number of households/other placements (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | Number of households approved for 2 CYPs | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Number of households approved for two CYP (child or young person) |
Number of households/other placements (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | Number of households approved for 3 CYPs | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Number of households approved for three CYP (child or young person) |
Number of households/other placements (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | Number of households approved for 4+ | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Number of households approved for four or more CYP (child or young person) |
Number of households/other placements (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | Total number of approved foster places | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Number of approved foster places |
Number of households/other placements (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | Number of filled foster placements | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Number of filled places (number of children/young people in placements) |
Number of households/other placements (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | Number of vacant foster placements | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Number of vacant foster places |
Number of households/other placements (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | Number of foster places not available | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Number of foster places not available |
Number of households/other placements (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | Total approved fostering households | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Total approved fostering households |
Number of approved households (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | Number of fostering households with one carer | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Number of fostering households with one carer |
Households by number of carers (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | Number of fostering households with two carers | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Number of fostering households with two carers |
Households by number of carers (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | Number of fostering permanent foster care households | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Number of fostering permanent foster care households |
Households by primary placement offer (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | Number of non-permanent foster care households | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Number of non-permanent foster care households |
Households by primary placement offer (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | Emergency fostering households number | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Number of emergency households |
Households by primary placement offer (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | Number of parent and child fostering households | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Parent and child fostering households |
Households by primary placement offer (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | Multi-dimensional fostering treatment provision | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Multi-dimensional fostering treatment provision |
Households by primary placement offer (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | Remand fostering placement number | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Remand fostering placement number |
Households by primary placement offer (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | Number - other fostering placement offer | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Other fostering placement offers |
Households by primary placement offer (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | Number of fostering to adopt households | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Fostering to adopt household |
Households by primary placement offer (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | Number of short break placements offered | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Short breaks placement offer |
Households by primary placement offer (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | Number of shared care placements offered | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Shared care placement offer |
Households by primary placement offer (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | Number of placement where offers not known | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Placement offer not known |
Households by primary placement offer (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | Number - placements approved for 1 care type | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Placement offer approved for one type of care |
Households by number of placement types offered (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | Number - placements approved for 2 care types | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Placement offer approved for two types of care |
Households by number of placement types offered (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | Number - placements approved for 3 care types | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Placement offer approved for three types of care |
Households by number of placement types offered (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | Number - placements approved for 4+ care types | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Placement offer approved for four or more types of care |
Households by number of placement types offered (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | Numbers in permanent foster care | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Permanent foster care |
Households by all placements offered (primary and additional) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
FIE | |||
Provision; | Numbers in non-permanent foster care | 2018 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Past year | Fostering in England rolling data collection | No | Non-permanent foster care |
Households by all placements offered (primary and additional) (figures for whole of England and broken down into Local Authority (LA) and Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) placements) |
This dataset covers the numbers of foster carers and foster places and placements, in both local authority (LA) and independent fostering agencies (IFA). This includes data relating to types of foster care, registrations, de-registrations, and various other subjects.
Geographic coverage - Nations
Start date
Minimum age at recruitment
Sample Size
Study design
Data return
Sample details
Data is collected on all fostering placements in England.
Sample Characteristics
Social care providers
Sample size at most recent sweep
43,400 fostering households at most recent sweep
Data Access
Complementary Data
Genetic Data Collected
Linked Data
HDR UK Innovation Gateway
Additional information
Related Measures
Study Code
Reference paper(s)