01 Born in Bradford SWEEEPS
01 Born in Bradford
Timeline Group label | Sweep Group | Sweep Title | Participant age | Starts | Ends | Scale | Provision, Receipt, Need? | Topic(s) | Focus | Informant: | Multiple rater? | Reporting Term | Question(s) | Response scale | Standard instrument? | Notes | Physical Health Measures |
Age of Wonder- Module 1- Socioeconomics, and Arts and Culture | 01 Born in Bradford | January 2022 | January 2023 | Limited ability to carry out day to day activities | Need; | Child | No | Current | Do you have any physical or mental health conditions or illnesses?
Has this lasted, or is it expected to last, for 12 months or more?
Do any of your illnesses or conditions reduce your ability to carry out day to day activities?
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Yes a lot
Yes a little
Not at all
No |