19 Training worker has completed SWEEEPS

19 Training worker has completed

Timeline Group label Sweep Group Sweep Title Participant age Starts Ends Scale Provision, Receipt, Need? Topic(s) Focus Informant: Multiple rater? Reporting Term Question(s) Response scale Standard instrument? Notes Physical Health Measures
ASC-WDS rolling 19 Training worker has completed January 2005 January 2024 Training worker has completed Provision; Data manager No Current

Has the worker completed any of the listed training?

Control and restraint
Dementia care
Emergency Aid awareness
Fire Safety
First Aid
Food safety and catering
Health and Safety
Infection Control
Leadership & Management
Learning disability
Medication safe handling and awareness
Mental capacity and deprivation of liberty
Moving and handling
Nutrition and hydration
Palliative or end of life care
Physical Disability
Positive Behaviour and support
Safeguarding Adults
Dignity, Respect, Person Centred care
Equality, Diversity and Human Rights training
Any other not in the above categories
Childrens / young people’s related training
Communication Skills
Mental Health
Continence Care
Duty of Care
Supervision / Performance management
Complaints handling/conflict resolution
Personal Care
Activity provision/Well-being
Sensory disability

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