
Timeline Group label Sweep Group Sweep Title Participant age Starts Ends Scale Provision, Receipt, Need? Topic(s) Focus Informant: Multiple rater? Reporting Term Question(s) Response scale Standard instrument? Notes Physical Health Measures
Apr-21 AT-1934 January 2021 January 2022 Details of care plan and reasons NHS discharge being delayed Receipt; NHS Comissioner Yes Past month

Q42 Details of a patient’s care plan

If Q42 is coded 6, what are the reasons for the patient’s planned transfer of care not having an agreed date? If Q42 is code 6, Q48a-s must be answered.

Q48b Lack of agreed social care funding

Q48d Awaiting residential home placement or availability

Q48e Awaiting nursing home placement or availability

Q48f Awaiting care package in own home

Q48g Awaiting community equipment and adaptations

Q48j Lack of social care support

Q48I Awaiting residential special school or college placement or availability

Q48p No lawful community care package available (non– clinical reason including impact of MM/PJ judgements)

Response scale for Q42:
2 Currently receiving active treatment plan, discharge plan not in place
3 Currently receiving active treatment and working towards discharge or with discharge plan in place
6 Delayed transfer of care: no community option or onward placement available or deliverable
7 Unable to discharge due to legal restrictions (e.g. MM judgement)

Response scale for Q49’s social care related measures:
Y Yes
N No


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