
Timeline Group label Sweep Group Sweep Title Participant age Starts Ends Scale Provision, Receipt, Need? Topic(s) Focus Informant: Multiple rater? Reporting Term Question(s) Response scale Standard instrument? Notes Physical Health Measures
Wave 10 main ELSA-3881 January 2021 January 2023 Time of day care received Receipt; Participant No Current

Still thinking about help received in person, when does [[^BLANK/your/his/her/] [^husband/wife/partner/son/other son/daughter/other grandchild /sister/other sister/ /other / other /friend/ other friend/neighbour/other neighbour/ the home care worker/ home help/ personal assistant/ the member of the reablement / intermediate care staff team/the voluntary helper/the warden / sheltered housing manager/the cleaner/the council’s handyman/the member of staff at the care/nursing home/ the other helper] help [^you/[^name]]?

01 During the day time only, until [^you/[^name]] [^go/goes] to bed,
02 During the night time only, once [^you/[^name]] [^have/has] gone to bed,
03 Or both during the day time and at night after [^you/[^name]][^have/has] gone to bed?


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