
Timeline Group label Sweep Group Sweep Title Participant age Starts Ends Scale Provision, Receipt, Need? Topic(s) Focus Informant: Multiple rater? Reporting Term Question(s) Response scale Standard instrument? Notes Physical Health Measures
2019 sweep HSE-853 January 2019 January 2020 Benefits received - amount Receipt; Participant No Current

Now looking at this card, which of these rates is {^name of HH member selected at AttDisab} currently receiving? Just tell me the number beside the row that best apply.

SHOW CARD A6 {Weekly rates from April 2018-April 2019} Attendance Allowance
1 Higher rate for attendance during day AND night – £85.60
2 Lower rate for day OR night – £57.30
Disability Living Allowance (DLA) – Care Component
3 Highest rate – £85.60
4 Middle rate – £57.30
5 Lowest rate – £22.65
Disability Living Allowance (DLA) – Mobility Component
6 Highest rate – £59.75
7 Lower rate – £22.65
Personal Independence Payments (PIP) – Daily Living Component
8 Enhanced rate – £85.60
9 Standard rate – £57.30
Personal Independence Payments (PIP) – Mobility Component
10 Enhanced rate – £59.75 11 Standard rate – £22.65

SHOW CARD A7 {Weekly rates from 8th April 2019 to April 2020} Attendance Allowance
1 Higher rate for attendance during day AND night – £87.65
2 Lower rate for day OR night – £58.70
Disability Living Allowance (DLA) – Care Component
3 Highest rate – £87.65
4 Middle rate – £58.70
5 Lowest rate – £23.20
Disability Living Allowance (DLA) – Mobility Component
6 Highest rate – £61.20
7 Lower rate – £23.20
Personal Independence Payments (PIP) – Daily Living Component
8 Enhanced rate – £87.65
9 Standard rate – £58.70
Personal Independence Payments (PIP) – Mobility Component
10 Enhanced rate – £61.20 11 Standard rate – £23.20


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