
Timeline Group label Sweep Group Sweep Title Participant age Starts Ends Scale Provision, Receipt, Need? Topic(s) Focus Informant: Multiple rater? Reporting Term Question(s) Response scale Standard instrument? Notes Physical Health Measures
2019 sweep HSE-901 January 2019 January 2020 Caring responsibilities - support from professionals Provision; Participant No Current

Does <^name of person cared for> receive regular visits at least once a month from any of these people?” CODE ALL THAT APPLY

Does <^name of person cared for> have regular contact from anyone else on this list?

What are the reasons for [^name of person cared for] not receiving regular visits at least once a month from the people listed on the last card?

Part 1 & 2:
1 Doctor
2 Community/district nurse / Community Matron
3 Health visitor
4 Social worker/care manager
5 Home help/care worker
6 Meals on wheels
7 Voluntary worker
8 Occupational therapist
9 Educational Professional
10 Specialist / nursing care / palliative care
11 Community mental health services
12 Gardener / caretaker / warden
13 Other professional visitor
14 No, none (SPONTANEOUS)

Part 3:
1 Not available/not offered
2 Not needed
3 Tried, but not helpful
4 Not wanted by you
5 Not wanted by the person you care for
6 Not at a convenient time
7 Too expensive
8 Not eligible
9 Don’t know who to ask
10 Other


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