N85-1387 SWEEEPS


Timeline Group label Sweep Group Sweep Title Participant age Starts Ends Scale Provision, Receipt, Need? Topic(s) Focus Informant: Multiple rater? Reporting Term Question(s) Response scale Standard instrument? Notes Physical Health Measures
Phase 1 (Baseline) N85-1387 January 2006 January 2007 IADL - help with housework Receipt; Adult (85+) participants No Currently

56 Does anyone help you to do your housework (light or heavy duties)?

57 Who usually helps you?

58 Do they help:

59 Does any one else help you?

Part 1:
Don’t know
Not applicable
Refused to answer
Not asked

Part 2:
Other relatives
Friend or neighbour
Home help/Home care provided by Social Services Home help/Home care provided by a voluntary agency Home help/ Home care (private)
Care worker (in residential/nursing home)
Other (specify)
Don’t know
Not applicable
Refused to answer
Not asked

Part 3:
Several times a day Once a day
Most days
Less often?
Don’t know
Not applicable
Refused to answer
Not asked

Part 4:
No, no-one else helps
Other relatives
Friend or neighbour
Home help/Home care provided by Social Services Home help/Home care provided by a voluntary agency Home help/ Home care (private)
Care worker (in residential/nursing home)
Other (specify)
Don’t know
Not applicable
Refused to answer
Not asked


General health
Blood pressure – sitting
Hand grip strength

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