
Timeline Group label Sweep Group Sweep Title Participant age Starts Ends Scale Provision, Receipt, Need? Topic(s) Focus Informant: Multiple rater? Reporting Term Question(s) Response scale Standard instrument? Notes Physical Health Measures
Age 42 Survey 2000 NCDS-1752 January 2000 January 2001 Receipt of social care related benefits Receipt; Participant No Current

Other state benefit – who received it

Part 1:
CM only
Husband/wife/partner only

Part 2:
1 Attendance Allowance
2 Guardians Allowance
3 Invalid Care Allowance
4 Severe Disablement Allowance
5 Disability Working Allowance
6 DWA – care component
7 DWA – mobility component
8 Incapacity Benefit
9 Industrial Injury Disablement Benefit
10 Widows Pen/ Widowed Mothers Allow
11 Social Fund grant -funeral expenses
12 Social Fund grant – maternity expenses
13 Social Fund grant – community care
14 NI Credits
15 Back to work bonus
16 Christmas bonus
17 Constant attendance allowance
18 Council Tax Benefit Extended Payment
19 Criminal Injuries Compensation
20 Disabled Persons Tax Credit
21 Earnings Top-Up
22 Education Welfare Benefits
23 Employment Rehabilitation Allowance
24 Home Responsibilities Protection
25 Housing Benefit Extended Payment
26 Independent Living (1993) Fund
27 Industrial Death Benefit
28 Reduced Earnings Allowance
29 Retirement Allowance
30 Retirement Pension
31 Vaccine Damage
32 War Disablement Pension
33 War Pensioners Mobility Supplement
34 War Widows Pension
35 Widows Payment
36 Working Families Tax Credit
37 Some other benefit (other)
38 Irrelevant/unspecific response


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