
Timeline Group label Sweep Group Sweep Title Participant age Starts Ends Scale Provision, Receipt, Need? Topic(s) Focus Informant: Multiple rater? Reporting Term Question(s) Response scale Standard instrument? Notes Physical Health Measures
Age 55 Survey 2013 NCDS-1771 January 2013 January 2014 Providing care to participant's parents Provision; Participant No Current

Nowadays, do you regularly or frequently do any of the following things for [^your parents/your mother/your father]?

How many hours do you spend doing [^this/these things] for [^your parents/your mother/your father] in a typical week? If you do these things less often than weekly then please [tell me] the average hours per week.

Part 1:
1 Giving [^him/her/them] lifts in your car if you have one
2 Shopping for [^him/her/them]
3 Providing or cooking meals
4 Helping with basic personal needs like dressing, eating or bathing
5 Washing, ironing or cleaning
6 Dealing with personal affairs e.g. paying bills, writing letters
7 Decorating, gardening or house repairs
8 Financial help
9 Any other help

Part 2:
Hours per week.


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