
Timeline Group label Sweep Group Sweep Title Participant age Starts Ends Scale Provision, Receipt, Need? Topic(s) Focus Informant: Multiple rater? Reporting Term Question(s) Response scale Standard instrument? Notes Physical Health Measures
COVID-19 Survey Wave 1 NCDS-1778 January 2019 January 2020 Receipt of care - post COVID pandemic - number of hours & who provides Receipt; Participant No Post COVID-19 pandemic

Since the Coronavirus outbreak, how many hours of help have you or someone you live with typically received each week?

Who provided this help?

Part 1:
2 0 hours
3 1-4 hours
4 5-9 hours
5 10-19 hours
6 20-34 hours
7 35 hours or more

Part 2:
Son or daughter or other family member (include even if not blood related)
Friend or neighbour
Voluntary helper
Paid/professional help Other


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