salt-2874 SWEEEPS


Timeline Group label Sweep Group Sweep Title Participant age Starts Ends Scale Provision, Receipt, Need? Topic(s) Focus Informant: Multiple rater? Reporting Term Question(s) Response scale Standard instrument? Notes Physical Health Measures
SALT 2021-22 salt-2874 January 2021 January 2022 Requests for social care support Receipt; Local authority professional No Financial year

STS001 – The intention is to count the sequels of requests for support (contacts from new clients or their representatives, or someone acting on their behalf) being made in relation to the provision of adult social care services. This is done under the following data items (for clients aged 18-65 and again separately for those aged 65+):

-Short Term Support to Maximise Independence (for new requests and for repeat requests)
-Long Term Support (eligible services) – nursing care
-Long Term Support (eligible services) – residential care
-Long Term Support (eligible services) – community
-Long Term Support (eligible services) – prison
-100% NHS Funded Care
-End of Life
-Ongoing Low Level Support
-Short Term Support (other)
-Universal Services/ Signposted to other services
-No Services Provided – Deceased
-No Services Provided – other reason

Response scale for each data item:
Planned Entry (Transition) (no. of clients)
Discharge from Hospital (no. of clients)
Diversion from Hospital services (no. of clients)
Self-funder with depleted funds (no. of clients)
of which previously provided with 12-week disregard or deferred payment (since 1st April 2014) (no. of clients)
Community / Other route (no. of clients)
Prison (no. of clients)


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