salt-2885 SWEEEPS


Timeline Group label Sweep Group Sweep Title Participant age Starts Ends Scale Provision, Receipt, Need? Topic(s) Focus Informant: Multiple rater? Reporting Term Question(s) Response scale Standard instrument? Notes Physical Health Measures
SALT 2021-22 salt-2885 January 2021 January 2022 Supported LTC clients - primary support reasons during year Receipt; Local authority professional No Financial year

LTS001a is a ‘through the year’ measure of supported clients where the support is ‘long term’. Long Term support encompasses services provided with the intention of maintaining quality of life for an individual on an ongoing basis, and which has been allocated on the basis of eligibility criteria / policies (i.e. an assessment of need has taken place) and are subject to regular review.

Some data items concern Primary support reasons concerning long term support during the year (Separate collections for clients aged 18 to 64 and those aged 65+). Data items collected are:

Direct Payment only
Part Direct Payment
CASSR Managed Personal Budget
CASSR Commissioned Support only
CASSR Managed Personal Budget
CASSR Commissioned Support only

Response scale for each data item:
Physical Support: Access & mobility only (no. of clients)
Physical Support: Personal care support (no. of clients)
Sensory Support: Support for visual impairment (no. of clients)
Sensory Support: Support for hearing impairment (no. of clients)
Sensory Support: Support for dual impairment (no. of clients)
Support with Memory & Cognition (no. of clients)
Learning Disability Support (no. of clients)
Mental Health Support (no. of clients)
Social Support: Substance misuse support (no. of clients)
Social Support: Asylum seeker support (no. of clients)
Social Support: Support for Social Isolation / Other (no. of clients)


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