salt-2893 SWEEEPS


Timeline Group label Sweep Group Sweep Title Participant age Starts Ends Scale Provision, Receipt, Need? Topic(s) Focus Informant: Multiple rater? Reporting Term Question(s) Response scale Standard instrument? Notes Physical Health Measures
SALT 2021-22 salt-2893 January 2021 January 2022 Carer support provided during the year - carer age bands Receipt; Local authority professional No Financial year

LTS003 is a measure of carer support provided during the year, broken down by the age of the carer, Primary Support Reason of the client (cared-for) and the type of support provided.

One set of data items divides Support Provided to carers by age bands of carers. This is broken down into the following data items:

– Support direct to carer – Direct Payment only
– Support direct to carer – Part Direct Payment
– Support direct to carer – CASSR Managed Personal Budget
– Support direct to carer – CASSR Commissioned Support only
– Support direct to carer – Information, Advice and Other Universal Services / Signposting
– No Direct Support Provided to Carer
– Respite or Other Forms of Carer Support delivered to the cared-for person – Respite or Other Forms of Carer Support delivered to the cared-for person
– Respite or Other Forms of Carer Support delivered to the cared-for person – Where support was also provided direct to carer
– Respite or Other Forms of Carer Support delivered to the cared-for person – Where Information, advice and other universal services or signposting or No direct support was provided to carer

Response scale for all data items:
Carer aged under 18 (no. of clients)
Carer aged 18-25 (no. of clients)
Carer aged 26-64 (no. of clients)
Carer aged 65-84 (no. of clients)
Carer aged 85+ (no. of clients)


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