
Timeline Group label Sweep Group Sweep Title Participant age Starts Ends Scale Provision, Receipt, Need? Topic(s) Focus Informant: Multiple rater? Reporting Term Question(s) Response scale Standard instrument? Notes Physical Health Measures
2010 - Carers SCH-2927 January 2010 January 2011 Care given by other services Receipt; Carer No Current

Does (NAME OF PERSON CARED FOR) receive regular visits at least once a month from any of these people?

Does (NAME OF PERSON CARED FOR) have regular contact, at least once a month from any of these [other] people? Please think about face-to- face contact where (NAME OF PERSON CARED FOR) visits any of these people.

Community/district nurse / Community Matron
Health visitor
Social worker/care manager
Home help/care worker
Meals on wheels.
Voluntary worker
Occupational therapist
Educational Professional
Specialist / nursing care / palliative care.
Community mental health services
Other professional visitor.
No, none
Don’t know

Same selection for second part of question.


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