
Timeline Group label Sweep Group Sweep Title Participant age Starts Ends Scale Provision, Receipt, Need? Topic(s) Focus Informant: Multiple rater? Reporting Term Question(s) Response scale Standard instrument? Notes Physical Health Measures
2010 - Carers SCH-2969 January 2010 January 2011 Carer's barriers to paid employment Provision; Carer No Current

To what extent do you either agree or disagree with the following
statements about potential barriers you might face in taking up paid employment.

Agree strongly
Tend to agree
Neither agree nor disagree Tend to disagree
Disagree strongly
Don’t know
Not applicable

• I cannot work because of my disability or health condition
• I cannot work because of my caring responsibilities.
• I am not sure I would be able to work regularly
• At my age it is unlikely that I would find a suitable job
• I don’t feel confident about working
• I haven’t got enough qualifications and experience to find the right work
• There aren’t enough suitable job opportunities locally
• I’m not sure I would be better off in work than on benefits
• I cannot work because of my childcare responsibilities
• My family/dependent/s don’t want me to work


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