Timeline Group label | Sweep Group | Sweep Title | Participant age | Starts | Ends | Scale | Provision, Receipt, Need? | Topic(s) | Focus | Informant: | Multiple rater? | Reporting Term | Question(s) | Response scale | Standard instrument? | Notes | Physical Health Measures |
2014-15 Sweep | SchC-2979 | January 2016 | January 2017 | Was pupil adopted from care | Receipt; | Education professional | No | Academic year | 4.3.12 Adopted from care [collected for: ALL schools] Schools are now asked to include in this data return all children adopted from care and not just who were adopted from care after 30 December 2005. All are now eligible to attract the pupil premium this financial year. This data item will therefore identify all eligible children on census day who will attract £1900 this financial year. It will be up to those who have parental responsibility (adoptive parents, special guardians and carers of former looked after children on residence/child arrangements orders) to decide if they wish to self-declare their children’s status to schools. Parents should be asked to provide supporting evidence, for example, a photocopy of the adoption order, and asked to confirm that their child was adopted from care. Parents may conceal sensitive information (eg the name of the birth parents) if they wish. Schools are reminded that this is a particularly sensitive data item, and of the need for confidentiality. Schools should ensure that, as for other pupil level data items, they comply with their responsibilities with respect to the data protection act when processing this data. Data item recorded in: |
Response scale for all data items: |
No |