Timeline Group label | Sweep Group | Sweep Title | Participant age | Starts | Ends | Scale | Provision, Receipt, Need? | Topic(s) | Focus | Informant: | Multiple rater? | Reporting Term | Question(s) | Response scale | Standard instrument? | Notes | Physical Health Measures |
2022 Survey | SEN2-3008 | January 2021 | January 2022 | Factors likely to cause requirement for help completing ADLs/IADLs | Need; | Local authority professional | No | Current | When listing data items collected: Please record the nature of the individual’s special educational need. These options are consistent with those collected within the spring term school census. Where multiple types of need are recorded and ranked, the primary type of need should be ranked 1 under Type of need rank (Item 4.8), and if applicable a secondary type of need should be ranked 2. |
SPLD Specific learning difficulty |
No |