
Timeline Group label Sweep Group Sweep Title Participant age Starts Ends Scale Provision, Receipt, Need? Topic(s) Focus Informant: Multiple rater? Reporting Term Question(s) Response scale Standard instrument? Notes Physical Health Measures
Wave 9 UKHLS-2030 January 2017 January 2019 Methods of personal budget payment Receipt; Participant No Currently

Here are some of the different ways Local Authorities, councils, or social services arrange payment for people’s care. Are you taking any of your Personal Budget as a Direct Payment?

Web Interview:
Here are some of the different ways Local Authorities, councils, or social services arrange payment for people’s care.
Direct Payments where the council gives you a payment to meet some or all of your social care needs. You can then choose how to spend the money. This should not be confused with benefits such as your state pension or Attendance Allowance paid directly into a bank account.
The council, or someone else, arranges the services paid from your Personal Budget to meet some or all of your social care needs, and you may be able to choose which services to use.
Neither of these
Are you taking any of your Personal Budget as a Direct Payment?

1. Yes, all of Personal Budget as Direct Payment
2. Yes, part of Personal Budget as Direct Payment
3. No, none of Personal Budget as Direct Payment
4. SPONTANEOUS: Not being paid my Personal Budget yet.


1. Asthma
2. Arthritis
3. Congestive heart failure
4. Coronary heart disease
5. Angina
6. Heart attack or myocardial infarction
7. Stroke
8. Emphysema
11. Chronic bronchitis
21. COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)
10. Hypothyroidism or an under-active thyroid
12. Any kind of liver condition
13. Cancer or malignancy
14. Diabetes
15. Epilepsy
16. High blood pressure/hypertension
22. An emotional, nervous or psychiatric problem.
19. Multiple Sclerosis
20. H.I.V.
18. Other long standing/chronic condition
96. None of these

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