wos-3375 SWEEEPS


Timeline Group label Sweep Group Sweep Title Participant age Starts Ends Scale Provision, Receipt, Need? Topic(s) Focus Informant: Multiple rater? Reporting Term Question(s) Response scale Standard instrument? Notes Physical Health Measures
W1-30-R-and-L-social wos-3375 January 1987 January 1988 Details about care provided Provision; Participant No Current

Part 1:
Is there anyone who regularly depends on you for help
or support? By that I mean that you do things they
couldn’t manage for themselves?

Part 2:
what relationship do they have to you?

Part 3:
how many hours do you spend helping them in an average week?

Part 4:
how much of a strain is it?

Part 5:
what do you help with?….

Part 1:

Part 2:
(**if couple add 10 to code**) them in an average week?….
parent in law
other (specify)…

Part 3:
code hours per week

Part 4:
a great strain
quite a strain
a moderate strain
not much of a strain
no strain at all

Part 5:
(code in order mentioned)
personal care (bathing, taking medicine etc.)….1
mobility round house…………………………. 2
household chores (cleaning, cooking etc.)……. 3
transportation outside (take shopping etc.)……. 4
dealing with officials, financial affairs etc.……. 5
child minding…………………………………. 7
other (specify)………………………………… 8


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