Adult Social Care Survey (ASCS)

Measures describe a question asked to a participant during a survey or an item of information requested from a manager when they fill out a data return. For example, ‘Who do you live with?’ is a measure and the possible responses might be, mother, father, brother, sister etc.
Need/provision/receipt | Description of measure | Start Year | Age range | Age from | Age to | Informant | Multiple rater | Reporting term | Sweep title | Standard instrument | Question/Data item | Response scale | Notes | Physical health measures | Dataset | |
Receipt; | Community - help from others | 2023 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | ASCS 2023-24 Questions - community | No | Do you receive any practical help on a regular basis from your husband/wife, partner, friends, neighbours or family members? |
Yes, from someone living in my care home |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community - buying additional services | 2023 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | ASCS 2023-24 Questions - community | No | Do you buy any additional care or support privately or pay more to ‘top up’ your care and support? |
Yes, I buy some more care and support with my own money |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community - help completing questionnaire | 2023 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | ASCS 2023-24 Questions - community | No | Did you have any help from someone else to complete this questionnaire? |
No, I did not have help |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community - type of help | 2023 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | ASCS 2023-24 Questions - community | No | What type of help did you have? |
Someone else read the questions to me |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community - other comments about care | 2023 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | ASCS 2023-24 Questions - community | No | Please use the space provided below to describe any other experiences you would like to tell us about, or to write any other comments you would like to make? |
Open response |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community - nourishment | 2023 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | ASCS 2023-24 Questions - community | No | Thinking about the food and drink you get, which of the following statements best describes your situation? |
I get all the food and drink I like when I want |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community - help with nourishment | 2023 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | ASCS 2023-24 Questions - community | No | OPTIONAL QUESTION – Councils should remove this question if they do not want to include it in the questionnaire. Any data collected from this question does not need to be returned to NHS England. |
I do not need care and support services to help me get food and drink |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community - cleanliness of home | 2023 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | ASCS 2023-24 Questions - community | No | Which of the following statements best describes how clean and comfortable your care home is? |
My care home is as clean and comfortable as I want |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community - help cleanliness home | 2023 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | ASCS 2023-24 Questions - community | No | OPTIONAL QUESTION – Councils should remove this question if they do not want to include it in the questionnaire. Any data collected from this question does not need to be returned to NHS England. |
I do not need care and support services to help me keep my home clean and comfortable |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community - feeling safe | 2023 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | ASCS 2023-24 Questions - community | No | Which of the following statements best describes how safe you feel? If you have said you don’t feel safe, can you please tell us why? |
Part 1: Part 2: |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community - help feeling safe | 2023 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | ASCS 2023-24 Questions - community | No | Do care and support services help you in feeling safe? |
Yes |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community - social situation | 2023 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | ASCS 2023-24 Questions - community | No | Thinking about how much contact you’ve had with people you like, which of the following statements best describes your social situation? |
I have as much social contact as I want with people I like |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community - help social contact | 2023 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | ASCS 2023-24 Questions - community | No | OPTIONAL QUESTION – Councils should remove this question if they do not want to include it in the questionnaire. Any data collected from this question does not need to be returned to NHS England. |
I do not need care and support services to help me have social contact with people |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community - how spend time | 2023 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | ASCS 2023-24 Questions - community | No | Which of the following statements best describes how you spend your time? |
I’m able to spend my time as I want, doing things I value or enjoy |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community - help spending time well | 2023 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | ASCS 2023-24 Questions - community | No | OPTIONAL QUESTION – Councils should remove this question if they do not want to include it in the questionnaire. Any data collected from this question does not need to be returned to NHS England. |
I do not need care and support services to help me in the way I spend my time |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community - helping with self esteem | 2023 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | ASCS 2023-24 Questions - community | No | Which of these statements best describes how having help to do things makes you think and feel about yourself? |
Having help makes me think and feel better about myself |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community - help with self-esteem | 2023 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | ASCS 2023-24 Questions - community | No | Which of these statements best describes how the way you are helped and treated makes you think and feel about yourself? |
The way I’m helped and treated makes me think and feel better about myself |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community - feeling lonely | 2023 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | ASCS 2023-24 Questions - community | No | How often do you feel lonely? |
Often or always |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community - finding information | 2023 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | ASCS 2023-24 Questions - community | No | In the past year, have you generally found it easy or difficult to find information and advice about support, services or benefits? Please include information from different sources, such as voluntary organisations, and private agencies as well as [Social Services]. If you found it difficult to find information and advice, please tell us why and what we can do to make it easier for you |
Part 1: Part 2: |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community - general health | 2023 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | ASCS 2023-24 Questions - community | No | How is your health in general? |
Very good |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community - pain, discomfort, anxiety, depression. | 2023 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | ASCS 2023-24 Questions - community | No | By placing a tick in one box in each group below, please indicate which statements best describe your own health state today. a. Pain or discomfort |
Responses for a: Responses for b: |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community - ADLs | 2023 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | ASCS 2023-24 Questions - community | No | Please place a tick () in the box that best describes your abilities for each of the following questions. a. Do you usually manage to get around indoors (except steps) by yourself? b. Do you usually manage to get in and out of a bed (or chair) by yourself? c. Do you usually manage to feed yourself? d. Do you usually deal with finances and paperwork – for example, paying bills, writing letters – by yourself? |
Repeated response scale for all categories: |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community - help with ADLs | 2023 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | ASCS 2023-24 Questions - community | No | Please place a tick () in the box that best describes your abilities for each of the following questions. a. Do you usually manage to wash all over by yourself, using either a bath or shower? b. Do you usually manage to get dressed and undressed by yourself? c. Do you usually manage to use the WC/toilet by yourself? d. Do you usually manage to wash your face and hands by yourself? |
Repeated response scale for all categories: |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community - care home helping with needs | 2023 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | ASCS 2023-24 Questions - community | No | How well do you think your care home is designed to meet your needs? |
My care home meets my needs very well |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community - getting around outside care home | 2023 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | ASCS 2023-24 Questions - community | No | Thinking about getting around outside of your care home, which of the following statements best describes your present situation? |
I can get to all the places in my local area that I want |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Residential - finding information | 2023 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | ASCS 2023-24 Questions - residential and nursing care | No | In the past year, have you generally found it easy or difficult to find information and advice about support, services or benefits? Please include information from different sources, such as voluntary organisations, and private agencies as well as [Social Services]. If you found it difficult to find information and advice, please tell us why and what we can do to make it easier for you |
Part 1: Part 2: |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Residential - general health | 2023 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | ASCS 2023-24 Questions - residential and nursing care | No | How is your health in general? |
Very good |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Residential - pain, discomfort, anxiety, depression. | 2023 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | ASCS 2023-24 Questions - residential and nursing care | No | By placing a tick in one box in each group below, please indicate which statements best describe your own health state today. a. Pain or discomfort |
Responses for a: Responses for b: |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Residential - ADLs | 2023 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | ASCS 2023-24 Questions - residential and nursing care | No | Please place a tick () in the box that best describes your abilities for each of the following questions. a. Do you usually manage to get around indoors (except steps) by yourself? b. Do you usually manage to get in and out of a bed (or chair) by yourself? c. Do you usually manage to feed yourself? d. Do you usually deal with finances and paperwork – for example, paying bills, writing letters – by yourself? |
Repeated response scale for all categories: |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Residential - help with ADLs | 2023 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | ASCS 2023-24 Questions - residential and nursing care | No | Please place a tick () in the box that best describes your abilities for each of the following questions. a. Do you usually manage to wash all over by yourself, using either a bath or shower? b. Do you usually manage to get dressed and undressed by yourself? c. Do you usually manage to use the WC/toilet by yourself? d. Do you usually manage to wash your face and hands by yourself? |
Repeated response scale for all categories: |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Residential - care home helping with needs | 2023 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | ASCS 2023-24 Questions - residential and nursing care | No | How well do you think your care home is designed to meet your needs? |
My care home meets my needs very well |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Residential - getting around outside care home | 2023 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | ASCS 2023-24 Questions - residential and nursing care | No | Thinking about getting around outside of your care home, which of the following statements best describes your present situation? |
I can get to all the places in my local area that I want |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Residential - help from others | 2023 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | ASCS 2023-24 Questions - residential and nursing care | No | Do you receive any practical help on a regular basis from your husband/wife, partner, friends, neighbours or family members? |
Yes, from someone living in my care home |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Residential - buying additional services | 2023 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | ASCS 2023-24 Questions - residential and nursing care | No | Do you buy any additional care or support privately or pay more to ‘top up’ your care and support? |
Yes, I buy some more care and support with my own money |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Residential - help completing questionnaire | 2023 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | ASCS 2023-24 Questions - residential and nursing care | No | Did you have any help from someone else to complete this questionnaire? |
No, I did not have help |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Residential - type of help | 2023 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | ASCS 2023-24 Questions - residential and nursing care | No | What type of help did you have? |
Someone else read the questions to me |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Residential - other comments about care | 2023 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | ASCS 2023-24 Questions - residential and nursing care | No | Please use the space provided below to describe any other experiences you would like to tell us about, or to write any other comments you would like to make? |
Open response |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community - level of satisfaction with care | 2023 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | ASCS 2023-24 Questions - community | No | Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the care and support services you receive? |
I am extremely satisfied |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community - quality of life | 2023 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | ASCS 2023-24 Questions - community | No | Thinking about the good and bad things that make up your quality of life, how would you rate the quality of your life as a whole? |
So good, it could not be better |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community - help and support services | 2023 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | ASCS 2023-24 Questions - community | No | Do care and support services help you to have a better quality of life? |
Yes |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community - choice about care received | 2023 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | ASCS 2023-24 Questions - community | No | Which of the following statements best describes how much choice you have over the care and support services you receive? By ‘choice’ we mean being able to choose from a range of care providers and services and make changes as and when required |
I do have enough choice over care and support services |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community - control over daily life | 2023 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | ASCS 2023-24 Questions - community | No | Which of the following statements best describes how much control you have over your daily life? |
I have as much control over my daily life as I want |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community - help control over daily life | 2023 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | ASCS 2023-24 Questions - community | No | Do care and support services help you in having control over your daily life? |
I do not need care and support services to help me have control over my daily life |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community - keeping clean & presentable | 2023 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | ASCS 2023-24 Questions - community | No | Thinking about keeping clean and presentable in appearance, which of the following statements best describes your situation? |
I feel clean and am able to present myself the way I like |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community - help keeping clean & presentable | 2023 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | ASCS 2023-24 Questions - community | No | OPTIONAL QUESTION – Councils should remove this question if they do not want to include it in the questionnaire. Any data collected from this question does not need to be returned to NHS England. |
I do not need care and support services to help me keep clean and presentable |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Residential - level of satisfaction with care | 2023 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | ASCS 2023-24 Questions - residential and nursing care | No | Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the care and support services you receive? |
I am extremely satisfied |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Residential - quality of life | 2023 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | ASCS 2023-24 Questions - residential and nursing care | No | Thinking about the good and bad things that make up your quality of life, how would you rate the quality of your life as a whole? |
So good, it could not be better |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Residential - help and support services | 2023 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | ASCS 2023-24 Questions - residential and nursing care | No | Do care and support services help you to have a better quality of life? |
Yes |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Residential - control over daily life | 2023 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | ASCS 2023-24 Questions - residential and nursing care | No | Which of the following statements best describes how much control you have over your daily life? |
I have as much control over my daily life as I want |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Residential - help control over daily life | 2023 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | ASCS 2023-24 Questions - residential and nursing care | No | Do care and support services help you in having control over your daily life? |
I do not need care and support services to help me have control over my daily life |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Residential - keeping clean & presentable | 2023 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | ASCS 2023-24 Questions - residential and nursing care | No | Thinking about keeping clean and presentable in appearance, which of the following statements best describes your situation? |
I feel clean and am able to present myself the way I like |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Residential - help keeping clean & presentable | 2023 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | ASCS 2023-24 Questions - residential and nursing care | No | OPTIONAL QUESTION – Councils should remove this question if they do not want to include it in the questionnaire. Any data collected from this question does not need to be returned to NHS England. |
I do not need care and support services to help me keep clean and presentable |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Residential - nourishment | 2023 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | ASCS 2023-24 Questions - residential and nursing care | No | Thinking about the food and drink you get, which of the following statements best describes your situation? |
I get all the food and drink I like when I want |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Residential - help with nourishment | 2023 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | ASCS 2023-24 Questions - residential and nursing care | No | OPTIONAL QUESTION – Councils should remove this question if they do not want to include it in the questionnaire. Any data collected from this question does not need to be returned to NHS England. |
I do not need care and support services to help me get food and drink |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Residential - cleanliness of home | 2023 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | ASCS 2023-24 Questions - residential and nursing care | No | Which of the following statements best describes how clean and comfortable your care home is? |
My care home is as clean and comfortable as I want |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Residential - help cleanliness home | 2023 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | ASCS 2023-24 Questions - residential and nursing care | No | OPTIONAL QUESTION – Councils should remove this question if they do not want to include it in the questionnaire. Any data collected from this question does not need to be returned to NHS England. |
I do not need care and support services to help me keep my home clean and comfortable |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Residential - feeling safe | 2023 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | ASCS 2023-24 Questions - residential and nursing care | No | Which of the following statements best describes how safe you feel? If you have said you don’t feel safe, can you please tell us why? |
Part 1: Part 2: |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Residential - help feeling safe | 2023 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | ASCS 2023-24 Questions - residential and nursing care | No | Do care and support services help you in feeling safe? |
Yes |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Residential - social situation | 2023 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | ASCS 2023-24 Questions - residential and nursing care | No | Thinking about how much contact you’ve had with people you like, which of the following statements best describes your social situation? |
I have as much social contact as I want with people I like |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Residential - help social contact | 2023 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | ASCS 2023-24 Questions - residential and nursing care | No | OPTIONAL QUESTION – Councils should remove this question if they do not want to include it in the questionnaire. Any data collected from this question does not need to be returned to NHS England. |
I do not need care and support services to help me have social contact with people |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Residential - how spend time | 2023 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | ASCS 2023-24 Questions - residential and nursing care | No | Which of the following statements best describes how you spend your time? |
I’m able to spend my time as I want, doing things I value or enjoy |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Residential - help spending time well | 2023 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | ASCS 2023-24 Questions - residential and nursing care | No | OPTIONAL QUESTION – Councils should remove this question if they do not want to include it in the questionnaire. Any data collected from this question does not need to be returned to NHS England. |
I do not need care and support services to help me in the way I spend my time |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Residential - helping with self-esteem | 2023 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | ASCS 2023-24 Questions - residential and nursing care | No | Which of these statements best describes how having help to do things makes you think and feel about yourself? |
Having help makes me think and feel better about myself |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Residential - help with self-esteem | 2023 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | ASCS 2023-24 Questions - residential and nursing care | No | Which of these statements best describes how the way you are helped and treated makes you think and feel about yourself? |
The way I’m helped and treated makes me think and feel better about myself |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Residential - feeling lonely | 2023 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | ASCS 2023-24 Questions - residential and nursing care | No | How often do you feel lonely? |
Often or always |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - ease of finding information | 2021 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2021-22 sweep | No | In the past year, have you generally found it easy or difficult to find information and advice about support, services or benefits? |
I’ve never tried to find information or advice |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - general health | 2021 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2021-22 sweep | No | How is your health in general? |
Very good |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - current physical and mental state | 2021 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2021-22 sweep | No | By placing a tick in one box in each group below, please indicate which statements best describe your own health state today. a. Pain or discomfort b. Anxiety or depression |
Responses for a. Responses for b. |
ASCS | |||
Need; | Community OR care home users - ability to complete ADLs/IADLs | 2021 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2021-22 sweep | No | Please place a tick in the box that best describes your abilities for each of the following questions. a. Do you usually manage to get around indoors (except steps) by yourself? b. Do you usually manage to get in and out of a bed (or chair) by yourself? c. Do you usually manage to feed yourself? d. Do you usually deal with finances and paperwork – for example, paying bills, writing letters – by yourself? |
I can do this easily by myself |
ASCS | |||
Need; | Community OR care home users - ability to complete ADLs | 2021 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2021-22 sweep | No | Please place a tick in the box that best describes your abilities for each of the following questions. a. Do you usually manage to wash all over by yourself, using either a bath or shower? b. Do you usually manage to get dressed and undressed by yourself? c. Do you usually manage to use the WC/toilet by yourself? d. Do you usually manage to wash your face and hands by yourself? |
I can do this easily by myself |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - design of home to meet needs | 2021 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2021-22 sweep | No | In the community care questionnaire: In the residential and nursing care questionnaire: |
In the community care questionnaire: In the residential and nursing care questionnaire: |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - getting around outside of home | 2021 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2021-22 sweep | No | In the community care questionnaire: In the residential and nursing care questionnaire: |
I can get to all the places in my local area that I want |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - receipt of practical help from close contacts | 2021 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2021-22 sweep | No | Do you receive any practical help on a regular basis from your husband/wife, partner, friends, neighbours or family members? |
Yes, from someone living in my household |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - 'topping up' care budget | 2021 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2021-22 sweep | No | Do you buy any additional care or support privately or pay more to ‘top up’ your care and support? |
Yes, I buy some more care and support with my own money |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - help completing questionnaire | 2021 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2021-22 sweep | No | Did you have any help from someone else to complete this questionnaire? What type of help did you have? |
No, I did not have help I didn’t have any help |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - satisfaction with support | 2021 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2021-22 sweep | No | Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the care and support services you receive? |
I am extremely satisfied |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - quality of life | 2021 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2021-22 sweep | No | Thinking about the good and bad things that make up your quality of life, how would you rate the quality of your life as a whole? |
So good, it could not be better |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - services effect on quality of life | 2021 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2021-22 sweep | No | Do care and support services help you to have a better quality of life? |
Yes |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - choice over care services received | 2021 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2021-22 sweep | No | Which of the following statements best describes how much choice you have over the care and support services you receive? |
I do have enough choice over care and support services |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - control over daily life | 2021 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2021-22 sweep | No | Which of the following statements best describes how much control you have over your daily life? |
I have as much control over my daily life as I want |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - services effect on control over daily life | 2021 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2021-22 sweep | No | Do care and support services help you in having control over your daily life? |
I do not need care and support services to help me have control over my daily life |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - Keeping clean and presentable | 2021 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2021-22 sweep | No | Thinking about keeping clean and presentable in appearance, which of the following statements best describes your situation? |
I feel clean and am able to present myself the way I like |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - support keeping clean | 2021 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2021-22 sweep | No | Do care and support services help you in keeping clean and presentable in appearance? |
I do not need care and support services to help me keep clean and presentable |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - food & drink | 2021 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2021-22 sweep | No | Thinking about the food and drink you get, which of the following statements best describes your situation? |
I get all the food and drink I like when I want |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - help obtaining food & drink | 2021 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2021-22 sweep | No | Do care and support services help you to get food and drink? |
I do not need care and support services to help me get food and drink |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - Cleanliness and comfort of home | 2021 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2021-22 sweep | No | Which of the following statements best describes how clean and comfortable your home is? |
My home is as clean and comfortable as I want |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - support keeping home clean | 2021 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2021-22 sweep | No | Do care and support services help you in keeping your home clean and comfortable? |
I do not need care and support services to help me keep my home clean and comfortable |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - feeling safe | 2021 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2021-22 sweep | No | Which of the following statements best describes how safe you feel? |
I feel as safe as I want |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - service help with feeling safe | 2021 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2021-22 sweep | No | Do care and support services help you in feeling safe? |
Yes |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - contact with friends | 2021 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2021-22 sweep | No | Thinking about how much contact you’ve had with people you like, which of the following statements best describes your social situation? |
I have as much social contact as I want with people I like |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - support with social contact | 2021 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2021-22 sweep | No | Do care and support services help you in having social contact with people? |
I do not need care and support services to help me have social contact with people |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - how spend time | 2021 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2021-22 sweep | No | Which of the following statements best describes how you spend your time? |
I’m able to spend my time as I want, doing things I value or enjoy |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - support with activities | 2021 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2021-22 sweep | No | Do care and support services help you in the way you spend your time? |
I do not need care and support services to help me in the way I spend my time |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - self esteem when using help | 2021 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2021-22 sweep | No | Which of these statements best describes how having help to do things makes you think and feel about yourself? |
Having help makes me think and feel better about myself |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - how the way helped effects self esteem | 2021 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2021-22 sweep | No | Which of these statements best describes how the way you are helped and treated makes you think and feel about yourself? |
The way I’m helped and treated makes me think and feel better about myself |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - Sufficient food and drink | 2020 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2020-21 sweep | No | OPTIONAL QUESTION – Councils should remove this question if they do not want to include it in the questionnaire. Any data collected from this question does not need to be returned to NHS Digital. Do care and support services help you to get food and drink? |
Yes |
General health |
ASCS | ||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - Cleanliness and comfort of home | 2020 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2020-21 sweep | Yes | In the community care questionnaire: In the residential and nursing care questionnaire: |
In the community care questionnaire: In the residential and nursing care questionnaire: |
General health |
ASCS | ||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - Cleanliness and comfort of home | 2020 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2020-21 sweep | No | OPTIONAL QUESTION – Councils should remove this question if they do not want to include it in the questionnaire. Any data collected from this question does not need to be returned to NHS Digital. In the community care questionnaire: In the residential and nursing care questionnaire: |
Yes |
General health |
ASCS | ||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - Safety | 2020 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2020-21 sweep | Yes | Which of the following statements best describes how safe you feel? By feeling safe we mean how safe you feel both inside and outside the home. This includes fear of abuse, falling or other physical harm |
I feel as safe as I want |
General health |
ASCS | ||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - Safety | 2020 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2020-21 sweep | No | Do care and support services help you in feeling safe? |
Yes |
General health |
ASCS | ||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - social situation | 2020 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2020-21 sweep | Yes | Thinking about how much contact you’ve had with people you like, which of the following statements best describes your social situation? |
I have as much social contact as I want with people I like |
General health |
ASCS | ||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - social situation | 2020 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2020-21 sweep | No | OPTIONAL QUESTION – Councils should remove this question if they do not want to include it in the questionnaire. Any data collected from this question does not need to be returned to NHS Digital. Do care and support services help you in having social contact with people? |
Yes |
General health |
ASCS | ||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - How user spends time | 2020 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2020-21 sweep | Yes | Which of the following statements best describes how you spend your time? When you are thinking about how you spend your time, please include anything you value or enjoy including leisure activities, formal employment, voluntary or unpaid work and caring for others. |
I’m able to spend my time as I want, doing things I value or enjoy |
General health |
ASCS | ||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - How user spends time | 2020 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2020-21 sweep | No | OPTIONAL QUESTION – Councils should remove this question if they do not want to include it in the questionnaire. Any data collected from this question does not need to be returned to NHS Digital. |
Yes |
General health |
ASCS | ||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - Self esteem | 2020 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2020-21 sweep | Yes | Which of these statements best describes how having help to do things makes you think and feel about yourself? |
Having help makes me think and feel better about myself |
General health |
ASCS | ||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - Ease of finding information about support | 2020 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2020-21 sweep | No | In the past year, have you generally found it easy or difficult to find information and advice about support, services or benefits? Please include information from different sources, such as voluntary organisations, and private agencies as well as [Social Services]. |
I’ve never tried to find information or advice |
General health |
ASCS | ||
Need; | Community OR care home users - general health | 2020 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2020-21 sweep | No | How is your health in general? |
Very good |
General health |
ASCS | ||
Need; | Community OR care home users - General health state today | 2020 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2020-21 sweep | No | By placing a tick in one box in each group below, please indicate which statements best describe your own health state today. a. Pain or discomfort b. Anxiety or depression |
Responses for a. Responses for b. |
General health |
ASCS | ||
Need; | Community OR care home users - ADLs and IADLs | 2020 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2020-21 sweep | No | Please place a tick in the box that best describes your abilities for each of the following questions. a. Do you usually manage to get around indoors (except steps) by yourself? b. Do you usually manage to get in and out of a bed (or chair) by yourself? c. Do you usually manage to feed yourself? d. Do you usually deal with finances and paperwork – for example, paying bills, writing letters – by yourself? |
I can do this easily by myself |
General health |
ASCS | ||
Need; | Community OR care home users - ADLs | 2020 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2020-21 sweep | No | Please place a tick in the box that best describes your abilities for each of the following questions. a. Do you usually manage to wash all over by yourself, using either a bath or shower? b. Do you usually manage to get dressed and undressed by yourself? c. Do you usually manage to use the WC/toilet by yourself? d. Do you usually manage to wash your face and hands by yourself? |
I can do this easily by myself |
General health |
ASCS | ||
Need; | Community OR care home users - design of home to meet needs | 2020 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2020-21 sweep | No | In the community care questionnaire: In the residential and nursing care questionnaire: |
In the community care questionnaire: In the residential and nursing care questionnaire: |
General health |
ASCS | ||
Need; | Community OR care home users - Mobility around local area | 2020 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2020-21 sweep | No | In the community care questionnaire: In the residential and nursing care questionnaire: |
I can get to all the places in my local area that I want |
General health |
ASCS | ||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - Help from family/friends/neighbours | 2020 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2020-21 sweep | No | Do you receive any practical help on a regular basis from your husband/wife, partner, friends, neighbours or family members? |
Yes, from someone living in my household |
General health |
ASCS | ||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - Paying for additional care | 2020 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2020-21 sweep | No | Do you buy any additional care or support privately or pay more to ‘top up’ your care and support? |
Yes, I buy some more care and support with my own money |
General health |
ASCS | ||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - Help to complete questionnaire | 2020 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2020-21 sweep | No | Did you have any help from someone else to complete this questionnaire? What type of help did you have? |
No, I did not have help I didn’t have any help |
General health |
ASCS | ||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - self esteem after receiving help | 2019 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2019-20 sweep | No | Which of these statements best describes how the way you are helped and treated makes you think and feel about yourself? |
The way I’m helped and treated makes me think and feel better about myself |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - Ease of finding information on support | 2019 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2019-20 sweep | No | In the past year, have you generally found it easy or difficult to find information and advice about support, services or benefits? |
I’ve never tried to find information or advice |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - general health | 2019 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2019-20 sweep | No | How is your health in general? |
Very good |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - current physical and mental health | 2019 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2019-20 sweep | No | By placing a tick in one box in each group below, please indicate which statements best describe your own health state today. a. Pain or discomfort b. Anxiety or depression |
Responses for a. Responses for b. |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - ability to complete IADLs/ADLs | 2019 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2019-20 sweep | No | Please place a tick in the box that best describes your abilities for each of the following questions. a. Do you usually manage to get around indoors (except steps) by yourself? b. Do you usually manage to get in and out of a bed (or chair) by yourself? c. Do you usually manage to feed yourself? d. Do you usually deal with finances and paperwork – for example, paying bills, writing letters – by yourself? |
I can do this easily by myself |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - ability to complete ADLs | 2019 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2019-20 sweep | No | Please place a tick in the box that best describes your abilities for each of the following questions. a. Do you usually manage to wash all over by yourself, using either a bath or shower? b. Do you usually manage to get dressed and undressed by yourself? c. Do you usually manage to use the WC/toilet by yourself? d. Do you usually manage to wash your face and hands by yourself? |
I can do this easily by myself |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - design of home to meet needs | 2019 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2019-20 sweep | No | In the community care questionnaire: In the residential and nursing care questionnaire: |
In the community care questionnaire: In the residential and nursing care questionnaire: |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - ease of getting around inside house | 2019 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2019-20 sweep | No | In the community care questionnaire: In the residential and nursing care questionnaire: |
I can get to all the places in my local area that I want |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - practical help | 2019 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2019-20 sweep | No | Do you receive any practical help on a regular basis from your husband/wife, partner, friends, neighbours or family members? |
Yes, from someone living in my household |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - 'topping up' care budget | 2019 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2019-20 sweep | No | Do you buy any additional care or support privately or pay more to ‘top up’ your care and support? |
Yes, I buy some more care and support with my own money |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - help completing questionnaire | 2019 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2019-20 sweep | No | Did you have any help from someone else to complete this questionnaire? What type of help did you have? |
Part 1: Part 2: |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - Satisfaction with care services | 2020 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2020-21 sweep | No | Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the care and support services you receive? |
I am extremely satisfied |
General health |
ASCS | ||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - Care services' contribution to quality of life | 2020 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2020-21 sweep | No | Do care and support services help you to have a better quality of life? |
Yes |
General health |
ASCS | ||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - Level of choice of care | 2020 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2020-21 sweep | No | Which of the following statements best describes how much choice you have over the care and support services you receive? |
I do have enough choice over care and support services |
General health |
ASCS | ||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - quality of life | 2020 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2020-21 sweep | No | Thinking about the good and bad things that make up your quality of life, how would you rate the quality of your life as a whole? |
So good, it could not be better |
General health |
ASCS | ||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - control over daily life | 2020 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2020-21 sweep | Yes | Which of the following statements best describes how much control you have over your daily life? |
I have as much control over my daily life as I want |
General health |
ASCS | ||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - control over daily life | 2020 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2020-21 sweep | No | Do care and support services help you in having control over your daily life? |
Yes |
General health |
ASCS | ||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - Keeping clean and presentable | 2020 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2020-21 sweep | Yes | Thinking about keeping clean and presentable in appearance, which of the following statements best describes your situation? |
I feel clean and am able to present myself the way I like |
General health |
ASCS | ||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - Keeping clean and presentable | 2020 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2020-21 sweep | No | OPTIONAL QUESTION – Councils should remove this question if they do not want to include it in the questionnaire. Any data collected from this question does not need to be returned to NHS Digital. Do care and support services help you in keeping clean and presentable in appearance? |
Yes |
General health |
ASCS | ||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - Sufficient food and drink | 2020 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2020-21 sweep | Yes | Thinking about the food and drink you get, which of the following statements best describes your situation? |
I get all the food and drink I like when I want |
General health |
ASCS | ||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - open response of experiences | 2018 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2018-19 sweep | No | Please use the space provided below to describe any other experiences you would like to tell us about, or to write any other comments you would like to make? |
Open response |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - satisfaction | 2019 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2019-20 sweep | No | Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the care and support services you receive? |
I am extremely satisfied |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - quality of life | 2019 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2019-20 sweep | No | Thinking about the good and bad things that make up your quality of life, how would you rate the quality of your life as a whole? |
So good, it could not be better |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - help with quality of life | 2019 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2019-20 sweep | No | Do care and support services help you to have a better quality of life? |
Yes |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - level of choice of services | 2019 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2019-20 sweep | No | Which of the following statements best describes how much choice you have over the care and support services you receive? |
I do have enough choice over care and support services |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - control over daily life | 2019 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2019-20 sweep | No | Which of the following statements best describes how much control you have over your daily life? |
I have as much control over my daily life as I want |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - help controlling daily life | 2019 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2019-20 sweep | No | Do care and support services help you in having control over your daily life? |
Yes |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - keeping clean & presentable | 2019 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2019-20 sweep | No | Thinking about keeping clean and presentable in appearance, which of the following statements best describes your situation? |
I feel clean and am able to present myself the way I like |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - help keeping clean & presentable | 2019 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2019-20 sweep | No | OPTIONAL QUESTION – Councils should remove this question if they do not want to include it in the questionnaire. Any data collected from this question does not need to be returned to NHS Digital. Do care and support services help you in keeping clean and presentable in appearance? |
Yes |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - getting food or drink | 2019 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2019-20 sweep | No | Thinking about the food and drink you get, which of the following statements best describes your situation? |
I get all the food and drink I like when I want |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - help getting food or drink | 2019 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2019-20 sweep | No | Do care and support services help you to get food and drink? |
Yes |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - clean and comfortable home | 2019 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2019-20 sweep | No | Which of the following statements best describes how clean and comfortable your home is? |
My home is as clean and comfortable as I want |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - help keeping home clean | 2019 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2019-20 sweep | No | Do care and support services help you in keeping your home (or care home in care home questionnaire) clean and comfortable? |
Yes |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - feeling of safety | 2019 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2019-20 sweep | No | Which of the following statements best describes how safe you feel? |
I feel as safe as I want |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - support feeling safe | 2019 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2019-20 sweep | No | Do care and support services help you in feeling safe? |
Yes |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - social situation | 2019 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2019-20 sweep | No | Thinking about how much contact you’ve had with people you like, which of the following statements best describes your social situation? |
I have as much social contact as I want with people I like |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - support socialising | 2019 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2019-20 sweep | No | Do care and support services help you in having social contact with people? |
Yes |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - how spend time | 2019 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2019-20 sweep | No | Which of the following statements best describes how you spend your time? |
I’m able to spend my time as I want, doing things I value or enjoy |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - support with how spend time | 2019 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2019-20 sweep | No | Do care and support services help you in the way you spend your time? |
Yes |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - self esteem after receiving help | 2019 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2019-20 sweep | No | Which of these statements best describes how having help to do things makes you think and feel about yourself? |
Having help makes me think and feel better about myself |
ASCS | |||
Provision; | Carer - carer's views on personal safety | 2018 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2018-19 sweep | No | Thinking about your personal safety, which of the statements best describes your present situation? By ‘personal safety’ we mean feeling safe from fear of abuse, being attacked or other physical harm. |
I have no worries about my personal safety |
ASCS | |||
Provision; | Carer - social contact with friends | 2018 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2018-19 sweep | No | Thinking about how much social contact you’ve had with people you like, which of the following statements best describes your social situation? |
I have as much social contact as I want with people I like |
ASCS | |||
Provision; | Carer - support in caring role | 2018 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2018-19 sweep | No | Thinking about encouragement and support in your caring role, which of the following statements best describes your present situation? |
I feel I have encouragement and support |
ASCS | |||
Provision; | Carer - other people caring for | 2018 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2018-19 sweep | No | Thinking about the other people you have caring responsibilities for, which of the following best describes your current situation? Please exclude the person you spend most time helping. |
I don’t have caring responsibilities for anyone else |
ASCS | |||
Provision; | Carer - affect on health of caring role | 2018 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2018-19 sweep | No | In the last 12 months, has your health been affected by your caring role in any of the ways listed below? |
Feeling tired |
ASCS | |||
Provision; | Carer - financial difficulties | 2018 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2018-19 sweep | No | In the last 12 months, has caring caused you any financial difficulties? |
No, not at all |
ASCS | |||
Provision; | Carer - ease of finding advice. | 2018 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2018-19 sweep | No | In the last 12 months, have you found it easy or difficult to find information and advice about support, services or benefits? Please include information and advice from different sources, such as voluntary organisations and private agencies as well as Social Services. |
I have not tried to find information or advice in the last 12 months |
ASCS | |||
Provision; | Carer - how helpful advice has been | 2018 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2018-19 sweep | No | In the last 12 months, how helpful has the information and advice you have received been? Please include information and advice from different organisations, such as voluntary organisations and private agencies as well as Social Services. |
I have not received any information or advice in the last 12 months |
ASCS | |||
Provision; | Carer - consulted as much as desired | 2018 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2018-19 sweep | No | In the last 12 months, do you feel you have been involved or consulted as much as you wanted to be, in discussions about the support or services provided to the person you care for? |
There have been no discussions that I am aware of, in the last 12 months |
ASCS | |||
Provision; | Carer - employment in addition to caring role | 2018 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2018-19 sweep | No | In addition to your caring role, please tell us which of the following also applies to you? |
Retired |
ASCS | |||
Provision; | Carer - employment situation | 2018 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2018-19 sweep | No | Thinking about combining your paid work and caring responsibilities, which of the following statements best describes your current situation? |
Not in paid work: In paid employment: Self-employed: |
ASCS | |||
Provision; | Carer - length of time caring | 2018 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2018-19 sweep | No | About how long have you been looking after or helping the person you care for? |
Less than 6 months |
ASCS | |||
Provision; | Carer - time each week caring | 2018 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2018-19 sweep | No | About how long do you spend each week looking after or helping the person you care for? |
0-9 hours per week |
ASCS | |||
Provision; | Carer - caring activities | 2018 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2018-19 sweep | No | Over the last 12 months, what kinds of things did you usually do for the person you care for? |
Personal care? |
ASCS | |||
Provision; | Carer - carer health conditions | 2018 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2018-19 sweep | No | Do you have any of the following? |
A physical impairment or disability |
ASCS | |||
Provision; | Carer - age | 2018 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2018-19 sweep | No | How old are you? |
________________ years |
ASCS | |||
Provision; | Carer - gender | 2018 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2018-19 sweep | No | Are you male or female? |
Male |
ASCS | |||
Provision; | Carer - parenting responsibilities. | 2018 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2018-19 sweep | No | How many children aged 18 or under do you have parental responsibility for? |
0 |
ASCS | |||
Provision; | Carer - groups belong to | 2018 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2018-19 sweep | No | To which of these groups do you consider you belong? |
English / Welsh / Scottish / Northern Irish / British |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - help completing questionnaire | 2018 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2018-19 sweep | No | Did someone help you to complete this questionnaire? |
Yes |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - ease of finding info on support | 2017 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2017-39 | No | In the past year, have you generally found it easy or difficult to find information and advice about support, services or benefits? |
Very easy to find |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - general health | 2017 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2017-40 | No | How is your health in general? |
Very good |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - mental and physical state of health | 2017 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2017-41 | No | By placing a tick in one box in each group below, please indicate which statements best describe your own health state today. a. Pain or discomfort b. Anxiety or depression |
Responses for a. Responses for b. |
ASCS | |||
Need; | Community OR care home users - ADL/IADL ability | 2017 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2017-42 | No | Please place a tick in the box that best describes your abilities for each of the following questions. a. Do you usually manage to get around indoors (except steps) by yourself? b. Do you usually manage to get in and out of a bed (or chair) by yourself? c. Do you usually manage to feed yourself? d. Do you usually deal with finances and paperwork – for example, paying bills, writing letters – by yourself? |
I can do this easily by myself |
ASCS | |||
Need; | Community OR care home users - ADL ability | 2017 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2017-43 | No | Please place a tick in the box that best describes your abilities for each of the following questions. a. Do you usually manage to wash all over by yourself, using either a bath or shower? b. Do you usually manage to get dressed and undressed by yourself? c. Do you usually manage to use the WC/toilet by yourself? d. Do you usually manage to wash your face and hands by yourself? |
I can do this easily by myself |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - home design to meet needs | 2017 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2017-44 | No | In the community care questionnaire: In the residential and nursing care questionnaire: |
In the community care questionnaire: In the residential and nursing care questionnaire: |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - mobility inside home | 2017 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2017-45 | No | In the community care questionnaire: In the residential and nursing care questionnaire: |
I can get to all the places in my local area that I want |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - practical help from close contacts | 2017 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2017-46 | No | Do you receive any practical help on a regular basis from your husband/wife, partner, friends, neighbours or family members? |
Yes, from someone living in my household |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - pay to top up care | 2017 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2017-47 | No | Do you buy any additional care or support privately or pay more to ‘top up’ your care and support? |
Yes, I buy some more care and support with my own money |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - help completing questionnaire | 2017 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2017-48 | No | Did you have any help from someone else to complete this questionnaire? |
No, I did not have help |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - type of help completing questionnaire | 2017 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2017-49 | No | What type of help did you have? |
I didn’t have any help |
ASCS | |||
Provision; | Carer - age of person cared for | 2018 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2018-19 sweep | No | How old is the person you care for? |
Number of years |
ASCS | |||
Provision; | Carer - reason care given | 2018 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2018-19 sweep | No | Does the person you care for have….? |
Dementia |
ASCS | |||
Provision; | Carer - location of person cared for | 2018 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2018-19 sweep | No | Where does the person you care for usually live? |
With me |
ASCS | |||
Provision; | Carer - dissatisfaction with service provision | 2018 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2018-19 sweep | No | Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the support or services you and the person you care for have received from Social Services in the last 12 months? |
We haven’t received any support or services from Social Services in the last 12 months |
ASCS | |||
Provision; | Carer - use of support services - which ones | 2018 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2018-19 sweep | No | Has the person you care for used any of the support or services listed below in the last 12 months? |
a. Support or services allowing you to take a break from caring at short notice or in an emergency |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Carer - support services used by carer | 2018 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2018-19 sweep | No | Have you used any of the support or services listed below, to help you as a carer over the last 12 months? They may be provided by different organisations, such as a voluntary organisation, a private agency or Social Services. Please do not include any unpaid help from family and friends. |
a. Information and advice |
ASCS | |||
Provision; | Carer - time spent by carer | 2018 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2018-19 sweep | No | Which of the following statements best describes how you spend your time? When you are thinking about what you do with your time, please include anything you value or enjoy, including formal employment, voluntary or unpaid work, caring for others and leisure activities. |
I’m able to spend my time as I want, doing things I value or enjoy |
ASCS | |||
Provision; | Carer - carer's control over own life | 2018 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2018-19 sweep | No | Which of the following statements best describes how much control you have over your daily life? |
I have as much control over my daily life as I want |
ASCS | |||
Provision; | Carer - time available to look after self. | 2018 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2018-19 sweep | No | Thinking about how much time you have to look after yourself – in terms of getting enough sleep or eating well – which statement best describes your present situation? |
I look after myself |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - satisfaction with services | 2017 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2017-19 | No | Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the care and support services you receive? By ‘care and support services’ we mean any equipment or care provided by staff who are paid to help you. The staff could be from [Social Services], an agency, a care home or bought by you using money from [Social Services] through a Direct Payment. |
I am extremely satisfied |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - quality of life | 2017 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2017-20 | No | Thinking about the good and bad things that make up your quality of life, how would you rate the quality of your life as a whole? |
So good, it could not be better |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - effect of services on quality of life | 2017 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2017-21 | No | Do care and support services help you to have a better quality of life? |
Yes |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - level of choice | 2017 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2017-22 | No | Which of the following statements best describes how much choice you have over the care and support services you receive? By ‘choice’ we mean being able to choose from a range of care providers and services and make changes as and when required |
I do have enough choice over care and support services |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - control over daily life | 2017 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2017-23 | No | Which of the following statements best describes how much control you have over your daily life? By ‘control over daily life’ we mean having the choice to do things or have things done for you as you like and when you want. |
I have as much control over my daily life as I want |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - contribution of care services to control | 2017 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2017-24 | No | Do care and support services help you in having control over your daily life? By ‘care and support services’ we mean any equipment or care provided by staff who are paid to help you. The staff could be from [Social Services], an agency or bought by you using money you receive from [Social Services], using a Direct Payment. |
Yes |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - clean & presentable | 2017 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2017-25 | No | Thinking about keeping clean and presentable in appearance, which of the following statements best describes your situation? |
I feel clean and am able to present myself the way I like |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - services help clean & presentable | 2017 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2017-26 | No | Do care and support services help you in keeping clean and presentable in appearance? |
Yes |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - food & drink adequacy | 2017 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2017-27 | No | Thinking about the food and drink you get, which of the following statements best describes your situation? |
I get all the food and drink I like when I want |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - food & drink help | 2017 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2017-28 | No | Do care and support services help you to get food and drink? |
Yes |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - clean & comfortable home | 2017 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2017-29 | No | Which of the following statements best describes how clean and comfortable your home is? |
My home is as clean and comfortable as I want |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - help keeping home clean | 2017 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2017-30 | No | Do care and support services help you in keeping your home clean and comfortable? |
Yes |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - feeling of safety | 2017 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2017-31 | No | Which of the following statements best describes how safe you feel? By feeling safe we mean how safe you feel both inside and outside the home. This includes fear of abuse, falling or other physical harm. |
I feel as safe as I want |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - help of services with feeling safe | 2017 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2017-32 | No | Do care and support services help you in feeling safe? |
Yes |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - social situation | 2017 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2017-33 | No | Thinking about how much contact you’ve had with people you like, which of the following statements best describes your social situation? |
I have as much social contact as I want with people I like |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - services help with socialising | 2017 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2017-34 | No | Do care and support services help you in having social contact with people? |
Yes |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - how spend time | 2017 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2017-35 | No | Which of the following statements best describes how you spend your time? When you are thinking about how you spend your time, please include anything you value or enjoy including leisure activities, formal employment, voluntary or unpaid work and caring for others. |
I’m able to spend my time as I want, doing things I value or enjoy |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - help with hobbies | 2017 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2017-36 | No | Do care and support services help you in the way you spend your time? |
Yes |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - how help makes user feel | 2017 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2017-37 | No | Which of these statements best describes how having help to do things makes you think and feel about yourself? |
Having help makes me think and feel better about myself |
ASCS | |||
Receipt; | Community OR care home users - helped with self esteem. | 2017 | 18-120 | 18 | 120 | Participant | No | Currently | 2017-38 | No | Which of these statements best describes how the way you are helped and treated makes you think and feel about yourself? |
The way I’m helped and treated makes me think and feel better about myself |
The ASCS asks service users questions about quality of life and what impact care ans support services have on their quality of life. The survey is conducted annually and is conducted by Councils with Adult Social Services Responsibilities (CASSRs). The survey seeks the opinions of service users aged 18 and over in receipt of long-term support services funded or managed by social services and is designed to help the adult social care sector understand more about how services are affecting lives to enable choice and for informing service development.
NHS Digital
Geographic coverage - Nations
Start date
Minimum age at recruitment
Sample Size
Study design
Repeated cross-sectional study
Sample details
The adult social care survey is given to all people who are over 18 and who use adult social care. It is conducted by Councils with Adult Social Services Responsibilities (CASSRs). It is usually mandatory to participate. Due to the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19), the 2020-21 survey was voluntary and councils could choose whether or not to participate.
Sample Characteristics
Social care users
Sample size at most recent sweep
24,700 service users were sent a questionnaire of which 6,695 service users completed the questionnaire in the 2020-21 sweep.
Data Access
Complementary Data
Genetic Data Collected
Linked Data
Social contact General health data
HDR UK Innovation Gateway
Additional information
Due to the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19), the 2020-21 survey was voluntary and councils could choose whether or not to participate. ASCOT (Adult Social Care Outcomes Toolkit) is the source for questions 3a, 4a, 5a, 6a, 7a, 8a, 9a and 11 in the Adult Social Care Survey
Related Measures
Diet and nutrition, Housing, Loneliness and social isolation, Mental health measures, Physical health assessment, Quality of life/wellbeing, Social security, Social support,
Study Code
Reference paper(s)
DoHSC NHSdigital