Cognitive Function and Ageing Study II (CFAS II)

Measures describe a question asked to a participant during a survey or an item of information requested from a manager when they fill out a data return. For example, ‘Who do you live with?’ is a measure and the possible responses might be, mother, father, brother, sister etc.
Need/provision/receipt | Description of measure | Start Year | Age range | Age from | Age to | Informant | Multiple rater | Reporting term | Sweep title | Standard instrument | Question/Data item | Response scale | Notes | Physical health measures | Dataset | |
Receipt; | Service | 2009 | 67-87 | 67 | 87 | Participant | No | Current | CFAS II Wave 2 | No | I’d like to ask you whether you have received various Health or Local Authority Services or any private help in recent weeks. |
0. No |
CFAS_II | |||
Need; | ADL- dressing | 2009 | 67-87 | 67 | 87 | Participant | No | Current | CFAS II Wave 2 | No | Are you able to put on your shoes and socks or stockings? (IF YES: Do you have difficulty?) |
0. (No), needs help |
CFAS_II | |||
Need; | IADL-managing communications | 2009 | 67-87 | 67 | 87 | Participant | No | Current | CFAS II Wave 2 | No | Do you have any difficulty using a telephone i.e. looking up numbers, dialing etc? |
0. (No), needs help |
CFAS_II | |||
Need; | IADL- managing medication | 2009 | 67-87 | 67 | 87 | Participant | No | Current | CFAS II Wave 2 | No | Do you have any difficulty taking medicine (preparing and taking correct dose)? |
0. (No), needs help |
CFAS_II | |||
Need; | IADL- managing finances | 2009 | 67-87 | 67 | 87 | Participant | No | Current | CFAS II Wave 2 | No | Do you have any difficulty managing money (paying bills/writing cheques or using an ATM to remove or deposit money)? |
0. (No), needs help |
CFAS_II | |||
Need; | IADL- meal preparation | 2009 | 67-87 | 67 | 87 | Participant | No | Current | CFAS II Wave 2 | No | Do you have difficulty with household tasks such as making yourself a cup of tea? |
0. No |
CFAS_II | |||
Need; | IADL- managing finances | 2009 | 67-87 | 67 | 87 | Participant | No | Current | CFAS II Wave 2 | No | Have you needed any help recently to check your change after spending small amounts of money |
0. No |
CFAS_II | |||
Need; | ADL-toileting | 2009 | 67-87 | 67 | 87 | Participant | No | Current | CFAS II Wave 2 | No | Are you able to get to and use the toilet? (IF YES: Do you have difficulty?) |
“0. (No), needs help |
CFAS_II | |||
Provision; | Day to day activities | 2009 | 67-87 | 67 | 87 | Participant | No | Current | CFAS II Wave 2 | No | Does anyone help you with any of the day-to-day tasks I’ve just asked about? |
0. No |
CFAS_II | |||
Provision; | Day to day activities | 2009 | 67-87 | 67 | 87 | Participant | No | Current | CFAS II Wave 2 | No | Who usually helps? Does anyone else help? Does anyone else help? 2NDHelper. Does anyone else help? 3rd Helper |
A No-one |
CFAS_II | |||
Need; | ADL-(all) | 2009 | 67-87 | 67 | 87 | Participant | No | Current | CFAS II Wave 2 | No | Establish degree of mobility of subject. |
1. Usually ambulant non house bound 2. Usually ambulant house bound |
CFAS_II | |||
Need; | ADL-(all) | 2007 | 65-85 | 65 | 85 | Participant | No | Current | CFAS II Wave 1 | No | Establish a degree of mobility |
1. Usually ambulant non house bound |
CFAS_II | |||
Provision; | Day to day activities | 2007 | 65-85 | 65 | 85 | Participant | No | Current | CFAS II Wave 1 | No | Who usually helps? Does anyone else help? Does anyone else help? 2NDHelper. Does anyone else help? 3rd Helper |
A No-one |
CFAS_II | |||
Provision; | Service usage | 2007 | 65-85 | 65 | 85 | Participant | No | Current | CFAS II Wave 1 | No | Received various Health or Local Authority Services or any private help in recent weeks So in the last 4 weeks, have you seen or had a visit from, or to any of the following Services? IN THE LAST FOUR WEEKS: Local authority home help or home care assistant? Social worker? Meals on wheels? Any nursing services? |
0. No |
CFAS_II | |||
Receipt; | Accomodation | 2009 | 67-87 | 67 | 87 | Participant | No | Current | CFAS II Wave 2 | No | Current accomodation |
“1. House/Flat |
CFAS_II | |||
Receipt; | Accomodation | 2009 | 67-87 | 67 | 87 | Participant | No | Current | CFAS II Wave 2 | No | Is the subject living in an instiution? |
0. No/uncertain |
CFAS_II | |||
Receipt; | Accomodation | 2009 | 67-87 | 67 | 87 | Participant | No | Current | CFAS II Wave 2 | No | Have you moved since we last saw you? |
0. No |
CFAS_II | |||
Receipt; | Accomodation | 2009 | 67-87 | 67 | 87 | Participant | No | Current | CFAS II Wave 2 | No | IF YES moved from: |
1. House/Flat |
CFAS_II | |||
Need; | ADL- transferring | 2009 | 67-87 | 67 | 87 | Participant | No | Current | CFAS II Wave 2 | No | Do you have a tendency to fall? |
0. No or rarely |
CFAS_II | |||
Need; | IADL | 2009 | 67-87 | 67 | 87 | Participant | No | Current | CFAS II Wave 2 | No | Do you take part in sports or activities that are mildly energetic? |
0. No |
CFAS_II | |||
Need; | ADL-walking/transferring | 2009 | 67-87 | 67 | 87 | Participant | No | Current | CFAS II Wave 2 | No | In the past 2 yearshave you had any difficulty in starting to move (e.g. starting to walk or getting out of a chair)? |
0. No |
CFAS_II | |||
Need; | ADL- grooming | 2009 | 67-87 | 67 | 87 | Participant | No | Current | CFAS II Wave 2 | No | Are you able to cut your own toenails? (IF YES: Do you have difficulty cutting your own toenails? |
0. (No), needs help |
CFAS_II | |||
Need; | ADL-bathing | 2009 | 67-87 | 67 | 87 | Participant | No | Current | CFAS II Wave 2 | No | Are you able to wash all over or bathe? (IF YES: Do you have difficulty washing all over or bathing?) |
0. (No), needs help |
CFAS_II | |||
Need; | IADL-managing transportation | 2009 | 67-87 | 67 | 87 | Participant | No | Current | CFAS II Wave 2 | No | Are you able to get on a bus? (IF YES: Do you have difficulty?) |
0. (No), needs help |
CFAS_II | |||
Need; | ADL- transferring | 2009 | 67-87 | 67 | 87 | Participant | No | Current | CFAS II Wave 2 | No | Are you able to go up and down stairs? (IF YES: Do you have difficulty?) |
0. (No), needs help |
CFAS_II | |||
Need; | IADL - light housework | 2009 | 67-87 | 67 | 87 | Participant | No | Current | CFAS II Wave 2 | No | Are you able to do the light housework? (IF YES: Do you have difficulty?) |
0. (No), needs help |
CFAS_II | |||
Need; | IADL - heavy housework | 2009 | 67-87 | 67 | 87 | Participant | No | Current | CFAS II Wave 2 | No | Are you able to do the heavy housework? (IF YES: Do you have difficulty?) |
0. (No), needs help |
CFAS_II | |||
Need; | IADL- shopping | 2009 | 67-87 | 67 | 87 | Participant | No | Current | CFAS II Wave 2 | No | Are you able to shop and carry heavy bags? (IF YES: Do you have difficulty?) |
0. (No), needs help |
CFAS_II | |||
Need; | IADL-preparing/cooking meals | 2009 | 67-87 | 67 | 87 | Participant | No | Current | CFAS II Wave 2 | No | Are you able to prepare and cook a hot meal? (IF YES: Do you have difficulty? |
0. (No), needs help |
CFAS_II | |||
Need; | IADL-home maintenance | 2009 | 67-87 | 67 | 87 | Participant | No | Current | CFAS II Wave 2 | No | Are you able to reach an overhead shelf? (IF YES: Do you have difficulty?) |
0. (No), needs help |
CFAS_II | |||
Provision; | Day to day activities | 2007 | 65-85 | 65 | 85 | Participant | No | Current | CFAS II Wave 1 | No | Does anyone help with you with any of the day ot day tasks I’ve just asked about? |
0. No |
CFAS_II | |||
Need; | ADL- transferring | 2007 | 65-85 | 65 | 85 | Participant | No | Current | CFAS II Wave 1 | No | Are you able to go up and down stairs? (IF YES: Do you have difficulty?) |
“0. (No), needs help |
CFAS_II | |||
Receipt; | Accomodation | 2007 | 65-85 | 65 | 85 | Participant | No | Current | CFAS II Wave 1 | No | Who funds your accommodation within the Nursing Home? |
1. Self funded |
CFAS_II | |||
Receipt; | Accomodation | 2007 | 65-85 | 65 | 85 | Participant | No | Current | CFAS II Wave 1 | No | IS THE SUBJECT LIVING IN AN INSTITUTION? Residential homes, nursing homes and long stay hospitals count as institutions; a day hospital or sheltered accommodation does not. |
0. No/uncertain |
CFAS_II | |||
Need; | ADL- transferring | 2007 | 65-85 | 65 | 85 | Participant | No | Current | CFAS II Wave 1 | No | Do you have a tendency to fall? |
0. No or rarely |
CFAS_II | |||
Need; | ADL-moving | 2007 | 65-85 | 65 | 85 | Participant | No | Current | CFAS II Wave 1 | No | Have you had any difficulty in starting to move (e.g. starting to walk or getting out of a chair)? |
0. No |
CFAS_II | |||
Need; | ADL- grooming | 2007 | 65-85 | 65 | 85 | Participant | No | Current | CFAS II Wave 1 | No | I would like to know if you are able, or if you have any difficulty with the following activities: Are you able to cut your own toenails? (IF YES: Do you have difficulty cutting your own toenails?) |
0. (No), needs help |
CFAS_II | |||
Need; | ADL-bathing | 2007 | 65-85 | 65 | 85 | Participant | No | Current | CFAS II Wave 1 | No | Are you able to wash all over or bathe? (IF YES: Do you have difficulty washing all over or bathing?) |
0. (No), needs help |
CFAS_II | |||
Need; | IADL-managing transportation | 2007 | 65-85 | 65 | 85 | Participant | No | Current | CFAS II Wave 1 | No | Are you able to get on a bus? (IF YES: Do you have difficulty?) |
0. (No), needs help |
CFAS_II | |||
Need; | IADL - light housework | 2007 | 65-85 | 65 | 85 | Participant | No | Current | CFAS II Wave 1 | No | Are you able to do the light housework? (IF YES: Do you have difficulty?) |
0. (No), needs help |
CFAS_II | |||
Need; | IADL - heavy housework | 2007 | 65-85 | 65 | 85 | Participant | No | Current | CFAS II Wave 1 | No | Are you able to do the heavy housework? (IF YES: Do you have difficulty?) |
0. (No), needs help |
CFAS_II | |||
Need; | IADL- meal preparation | 2007 | 65-85 | 65 | 85 | Participant | No | Current | CFAS II Wave 1 | No | Are you able to prepare and cook a hot meal? (IF YES: Do you have difficulty?) |
0. (No), needs help |
CFAS_II | |||
Need; | ADL-toileting | 2007 | 65-85 | 65 | 85 | Participant | No | Current | CFAS II Wave 1 | No | Are you able to get to and use the toilet? (IF YES: Do you have difficulty?) |
0. (No), needs help |
CFAS_II | |||
Need; | IADL- managing finances | 2007 | 65-85 | 65 | 85 | Participant | No | Current | CFAS II Wave 1 | No | Have you needed any help recently to check your change after spending small amounts of money? |
0. No |
CFAS_II | |||
Need; | IADL-home maintenance | 2007 | 65-85 | 65 | 85 | Participant | No | Current | CFAS II Wave 1 | No | Do you have difficulty with household tasks such as making yourself a cup of tea? |
0. No |
CFAS_II | |||
Need; | IADL- managing finances | 2007 | 65-85 | 65 | 85 | Participant | No | Current | CFAS II Wave 1 | No | Do you have any difficulty managing money (paying bills/writing cheques or using an ATM to remove or deposit money)? |
0. needs help |
CFAS_II | |||
Need; | IADL- managing medication | 2007 | 65-85 | 65 | 85 | Participant | No | Current | CFAS II Wave 1 | No | Do you have any difficulty taking medicine (preparing and taking correct dose)? |
0. needs help |
CFAS_II | |||
Need; | IADL - mananging communications | 2007 | 65-85 | 65 | 85 | Participant | No | Current | CFAS II Wave 1 | No | Do you have any difficulty using a telephone i.e. looking up numbers, dialing etc… |
0. needs help |
CFAS_II | |||
Need; | ADL- dressing | 2007 | 65-85 | 65 | 85 | Participant | No | Current | CFAS II Wave 1 | No | Are you able to put on your shoes or stockings? (IF YES: Do you have difficulty?) |
0. (No), needs help |
CFAS_II | |||
Need; | IADL-home maintenance | 2007 | 65-85 | 65 | 85 | Participant | No | Current | CFAS II Wave 1 | No | Are you able to reach an overhead shelf? (IF YES: Do you have difficulty?) |
0. (No), needs help |
CFAS_II | |||
Need; | IADL- shopping | 2007 | 65-85 | 65 | 85 | Participant | No | Current | CFAS II Wave 1 | No | Are you able to shop and carry hevay bags (IF YES: Do you have difficulty?) |
0. (No), needs help |
CFAS_II | |||
Receipt; | Accomodation | 2007 | 65-85 | 65 | 85 | Participant | Current | CFAS II Wave 1 | No | Type of accommodation within the Nursing Home. |
1. Residential |
CFAS_II | ||||
Receipt; | Current accomodation | 2007 | 65-85 | 65 | 85 | Participant | No | Current | CFAS II Wave 1 | No | Current accommodation |
1. House/Flat |
CFAS_II | |||
Receipt; | Accomodation | 2010 | 65-84 | 65 | 84 | Participant | No | Current | CFAS II Wave 2 | No | Current accommodation |
1. House/Flat |
CFAS_II | |||
Provision; | Accomodation | 2010 | 65-84 | 65 | 84 | Participant | No | Current | CFAS II Wave 7 | No | Is there anyone who is frail or unwell and needs your help with day to day tasks. Is your help required due to |
Part 1: Part 2: |
CFAS_II | |||
Receipt; | Accomodation | 2010 | 65-84 | 65 | 84 | Participant | No | Current | CFAS II Wave 6 | No | Have you moved since we last saw you? MOVED FROM.. Specify if move suggests more or less dependency (within same housing category), e.g. moving in with children |
Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: |
CFAS_II | |||
Receipt; | Accomodation | 2010 | 65-84 | 65 | 84 | Participant | No | Current | CFAS II Wave 5 | No | IS THE SUBJECT LIVING IN AN INSTITUTION? Residential homes, nursing homes and long stay hospitals count as institutions; a day hospital or sheltered accommodation does not. |
0. No/uncertain |
CFAS_II | |||
Receipt; | Accomodation | 2010 | 65-84 | 65 | 84 | Participant | No | Current | CFAS II Wave 4 | No | Who funds your accommodation within the Nursing Home? |
1. Self funded |
CFAS_II | |||
Receipt; | Accomodation | 2010 | 65-84 | 65 | 84 | Participant | No | Current | CFAS II Wave 3 | No | Type of accommodation within the Nursing Home. |
1. Residential |
Since the baseline of MRC CFAS there has been an increase in life expectancy, changes in major chronic disease and potentially advances in symptomatic treatments for Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. CFAS II builds upon the design and infrastructure of MRC to investigate the implications of changes in morbidity and frailty on health itself, as well as the use of services and expenditure in health and social care on future. It also provides important baseline information on older people aged 65-84 in 2008-2011 who will reach the age of greatest frailty during the 2020’s, when the peak in the number of people aged 85 or over is expected and at a time when major therapeutic interventions for dementia could be expected to have an effect.
Department of Public Health and Primary Care, University of Cambridge
Geographic coverage - Nations
Start date
Minimum age at recruitment
Sample Size
Study design
Cohort study
Sample details
Building on the design and infrastructure of the initial (MRC CFAS) study, new cohorts were recruited. A population based sample of 2,500 individuals born before 1942 from each centre were drawn from general practice records, sampling 1,250 individuals from each of the age groups 65-74 and 75 years and over.
Sample Characteristics
Older adults cohort
Sample size at most recent sweep
5,288 (Wave 2)
Data Access
Data request
Complementary Data
Genetic/genomic data
Genetic Data Collected
Linked Data
HDR UK Innovation Gateway
Additional information
Related Measures
Benefits, Biomarkers, Cognitive decline, Cognitive measures, Covid-19 data collection, Diet and nutrition, Education, Ethnicity and race, Faith/religion, Household composition, Housing, Income/household income, Language and literacy, Loneliness and social isolation, Mental health measures, Migration and immigration, Neighbourhood and community, Parenting and family, Pensions, Physical health assessment, Political and social attitudes, Pollution, Quality of life/wellbeing, Sexuality and gender identity, Sleep problems, Social security, Social support, Socioeconomic status and deprivation, Technology - Assistive/Digital, Transport services, Wealth (non-housing), Work and employment,
Study Code
Reference paper(s)
Matthews, FE, Stephan, M, Robinson, L et al. (2016) A two decade dementia incidence comparison from
the Cognitive Function and Ageing Studies I and II, Nature Communications, 7.
MRC AlzhSoc