Children’s social care data in England (CSCDE)

Measures describe a question asked to a participant during a survey or an item of information requested from a manager when they fill out a data return. For example, ‘Who do you live with?’ is a measure and the possible responses might be, mother, father, brother, sister etc.
Need/provision/receipt | Description of measure | Start Year | Age range | Age from | Age to | Informant | Multiple rater | Reporting term | Sweep title | Standard instrument | Question/Data item | Response scale | Notes | Physical health measures | Dataset | |
Provision; | Effectiveness - children's social care service | 2014 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Current | Children’s social care data in England rolling data collection | No | Overall effectiveness of children’s social care service |
Outstanding |
CSCDE | |||
Provision; | Impact - leaders - children's social care service | 2014 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Current | Children’s social care data in England rolling data collection | No | Impact of leaders of children’s social care service |
Outstanding |
CSCDE | |||
Provision; | Experiences/progress children who need help/protection in services | 2014 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Current | Children’s social care data in England rolling data collection | No | Experiences and progress of children who need help and protection in children’s social care service |
Outstanding |
CSCDE | |||
Provision; | Experiences/progress - children in social care service | 2014 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Current | Children’s social care data in England rolling data collection | No | Experiences and progress of children in care in children’s social care service |
Outstanding |
CSCDE | |||
Provision; | Experiences/progress leavers children's services | 2014 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Current | Children’s social care data in England rolling data collection | No | Experiences and progress of care leavers of children’s social care service |
Outstanding |
CSCDE | |||
Provision; | Inspection/Visit type - children's social care service | 2014 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Current | Children’s social care data in England rolling data collection | No | Inspection/Visit type of children’s social care service |
ILACS Focused Visit |
CSCDE | |||
Provision; | Provision type of children's social care service | 2014 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Current | Children’s social care data in England rolling data collection | No | Provision type of children’s social care service |
Boarding School |
CSCDE | |||
Provision; | How well children/young people protected - services | 2014 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Current | Children’s social care data in England rolling data collection | No | How well children and young people are helped and protected at children’s social care service |
Outstanding |
CSCDE | |||
Provision; | Effectiveness - leaders/managers - children's social care services | 2014 | 0-18 | 0 | 18 | Data manager | No | Current | Children’s social care data in England rolling data collection | No | The effectiveness of leaders and managers at children’s social care service |
Outstanding |
Inspection data and information about the providers and places of children’s social care in England as well as inspections and inspection outcomes.
Geographic coverage - Nations
Start date
Minimum age at recruitment
Sample Size
Study design
Service inspection
Sample details
Ofsted inspection outcomes for local authority (LA) children’s services inspections
Sample Characteristics
Social care providers
Sample size at most recent sweep
10818 homes at most recent sweep
Data Access
Complementary Data
Genetic Data Collected
Linked Data
HDR UK Innovation Gateway
Additional information
Related Measures
Study Code
Reference paper(s)