West of Scotland Twenty-07 (WOS)

Measures describe a question asked to a participant during a survey or an item of information requested from a manager when they fill out a data return. For example, ‘Who do you live with?’ is a measure and the possible responses might be, mother, father, brother, sister etc.
Need/provision/receipt | Description of measure | Start Year | Age range | Age from | Age to | Informant | Multiple rater | Reporting term | Sweep title | Standard instrument | Question/Data item | Response scale | Notes | Physical health measures | Dataset | |
Receipt; | Partner living in care home | 2007 | 15-120 | 15 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | W5-all-R-and-L-main | No | Why do you not live together [with partner]? What kind of institution does he/she live in? |
Part 1: Part 2: |
WOS | |||
Provision; | Number of days and hours spent caring | 2007 | 15-120 | 15 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | W5-all-R-and-L-main | No | Thinking overall about the help or caring you give, excluding childcare, in the last four weeks on how many days have you been involved in this type of caring? On an average day when you did this type of caring, how long did you spend on it (including travelling)? |
Part 1: Part 2: |
WOS | |||
Provision; | Details about care provided | 2007 | 15-120 | 15 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | W5-all-R-and-L-main | No | Is there anyone who regularly depends on you for help or support? By that I mean that you do things they couldn’t manage for themselves because of illness, disability or old age or some other reason? Please don’t include any childcare you have just told me about. What relationship do they have to you? What do you help with? How many hours do you spend helping them in an average week? How much of a strain is it? Does the person live in the same household as you? |
Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: Part 4: Part 5: Part 6: |
WOS | |||
Provision; | Time spent caring | 2000 | 15-120 | 15 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | W4-all-R-and-L-main | No | On an average day when you did this type of caring how |
Hours and mins |
WOS | |||
Provision; | How many days spent caring | 2000 | 15-120 | 15 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | W4-all-R-and-L-main | No | Thinking overall about all the help or caring you give, |
Number of days |
WOS | |||
Provision; | How participant feels about being a carer | 2000 | 15-120 | 15 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | W4-all-R-and-L-main | No | Looking at the faces scales, which face shows best how you |
Participant picks one face from a range of portrayed emotions |
WOS | |||
Provision; | Details about care provided | 2000 | 15-120 | 15 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | W4-all-R-and-L-main | No | Is there anyone who regularly depends on you for help or support? What relationship do they have to you? What do you help with? How many hours do you spend helping them in Does this person live in the same household as |
What relationship do they have to you? What do you help with? How many hours do you spend helping them in Does this person live in the same household as |
WOS | |||
Receipt; | Looked after as a child | 1997 | 15-120 | 15 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | W3-70-R-main | No | Throughout your childhood, up to the age of 15, did you ever live in a residential home or institution? (exclude public schools) b) how old were you when you when that first happened? age c) for how many years in all did you live in a home or institution? |
Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: |
WOS | |||
Receipt; | Looked after as a child | 1997 | 15-120 | 15 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | W3-30-and-50-R-main_2012_08 | No | Throughout your childhood, up to the age of 15, did you ever live in a residential home or institution? |
Yes |
WOS | |||
Receipt; | Receipt of care-related benefits | 1997 | 15-120 | 15 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | W3-70-R-main | No | Does your household have any income from Sickness benefits |
For all data items: |
WOS | |||
Provision; | Impact of caring on caregiver | 1997 | 15-120 | 15 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | W3-70-R-main | No | I’d like you think in general about all the time you spend on caring for other people, not including children. I am going to show you a card which has on it a set of statements which might describe how you feel about all these activities. I would like you to tell me whether each statement is true for you… 1 makes me feel isolated |
For all data items: |
WOS | |||
Provision; | Time spent caring | 1997 | 15-120 | 15 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | W3-70-R-main | No | On an average day when you did this type of caring how |
Hours and mins |
WOS | |||
Provision; | How many days spent caring | 1997 | 15-120 | 15 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | W3-70-R-main | No | Thinking overall about all the help or caring you give, |
Number of days |
WOS | |||
Provision; | Details about care provided | 1997 | 15-120 | 15 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | W3-70-R-main | No | Is there anyone who regularly depends on you for help or support? What relationship do they have to you? What do you help with? How many hours do you spend helping them in Does this person live in the same household as |
What relationship do they have to you? What do you help with? How many hours do you spend helping them in Does this person live in the same household as |
WOS | |||
Provision; | Providing care to relatives | 1987 | 15-120 | 15 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | W1-30-R-and-L-social | No | a) What is the main reason that you are not looking for work? Are there any other reasons? |
illness/disability |
WOS | |||
Receipt; | Income from care-related benefits | 1997 | 15-120 | 15 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | W3-30-and-50-R-main_2012_08 | No | Does your household have any income from Sickness benefits |
For all data items: |
WOS | |||
Provision; | Impact of caring on caregiver | 1997 | 15-120 | 15 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | W3-30-and-50-R-main_2012_08 | No | I’d like you think in general about all the time you spend on caring for other people, not including children. I am going to show you a card which has on it a set of statements which might describe how you feel about all these activities. I would like you to tell me whether each statement is true for you… 1 makes me feel isolated |
For all data items: |
WOS | |||
Provision; | Time spent caring | 1997 | 15-120 | 15 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | W3-30-and-50-R-main_2012_08 | No | On an average day when you did this type of caring how |
Hours and mins |
WOS | |||
Provision; | How many days spent caring | 1997 | 15-120 | 15 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | W3-30-and-50-R-main_2012_08 | No | Thinking overall about all the help or caring you give, |
Number of days |
WOS | |||
Provision; | How participant feels about being a carer | 1997 | 15-120 | 15 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | W3-30-and-50-R-main_2012_08 | No | Looking at the faces scales, which face shows best how you |
Range of happy to sad faces |
WOS | |||
Provision; | Details about care provided | 1997 | 15-120 | 15 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | W3-30-and-50-R-main_2012_08 | No | Is there anyone who regularly depends on you for help or support? What relationship do they have to you? What do you help with? How many hours do you spend helping them in Does this person live in the same household as |
What relationship do they have to you? What do you help with? How many hours do you spend helping them in Does this person live in the same household as |
WOS | |||
Receipt; | Amount received from benefits | 1995 | 15-120 | 15 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | W2-30-and-50-R-main | No | Can I ask you how much income you personally receive from..(source)? |
14..sickness benefit/statutory sick pay |
WOS | |||
Need; | Ability to complete IADLs e.g. walk in street | 1995 | 15-120 | 15 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | W2-30-and-50-R-main | No | Does it [previously specified condition] affect your ability to? |
walk in the street |
WOS | |||
Receipt; | Participant been in care | 1995 | 15-120 | 15 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | W2-30-and-50-R-main | No | Thinking back to the time of your childhood now, who did you live with for most of the time between ages 5 and 15? |
Both parents |
WOS | |||
Provision; | Looking after dependent relative | 1987 | 15-120 | 15 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | W1-70-R-and-L-youngpersonint | No | Everyone has certain things they have to do around the house. How often do you have to do the following? |
1 make your bed… |
WOS | |||
Need; | Member of household needing care | 1987 | 15-120 | 15 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | W1-50-R-and-L-nurse | No | Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: Part 4: |
Part 1: Part 2: Open response. Part3: Part 4: Open response. |
WOS | |||
Receipt; | Receipt of care-related benefits | 1987 | 15-120 | 15 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | W1-30-R-and-L-social | No | Part 1: Part 2: |
Part 1: Part 2: |
WOS | |||
Provision; | Details about care provided | 1987 | 15-120 | 15 | 120 | Participant | No | Current | W1-30-R-and-L-social | No | Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: Part 4: Part 5: |
Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: Part 4: Part 5: |
The West of Scotland Twenty-07 Study is a population-based multi-cohort study which has followed three cohorts of men and women in the West of Scotland across twenty years. Set up in 1986, the study was designed to investigate the differences in health by socio-economic circumstances, gender, the place where people live, age, ethnic group and family type. Through tracking three cohorts of volunteers, each born roughly twenty years apart, the study provides data at critical points in the lifespan, as participants make the transition from adolescence to working life; through the main part of working life; and from working life to retirement. Additionally, the study was designed to explore the effect of the historical context of people’s lives on their health and circumstances by comparing the different cohorts at the same age at different points in time.
MRC Social and Public Health Sciences Unit, University of Glasgow
Geographic coverage - Nations
Start date
Minimum age at recruitment
Sample Size
Study design
Accelerated cohort
Sample details
"The West of Scotland Twenty-07 Study followed three cohorts each born roughly twenty years apart, in 1932, 1952 and 1972. In the initial sweep, the cohort members were approximately 15, 35 and 55 years old. Cohort members were followed up three times, in 1990/1991, 1995, and 2000/2004, before the final sweep of data collection took place in 2007/2008, when the cohort members were approximately 35, 55 and 75 years old. Each cohort comprises two distinct but connected samples: a regional sample and a localities sample. The regional sample is a two-stage stratified random sample of people living in the Central Clydeside Conurbation - a socially mixed and mainly urban area - and the localities sample is comprised of people from two areas within the city of Glasgow. The sampling frame used for the regional sample was Strathclyde Regional Council’s 1986 Voluntary Population Survey, an enhanced electoral register that provides details of the age and sex of all household members. The locality sample was designed for more intensive study of the relationship between people’s personal and health circumstances and the environment in which they lived. Ten postcode sectors in two areas of the city of Glasgow were selected purposefully to capture different socio-economic experiences and environments. "
Sample Characteristics
General population
Sample size at most recent sweep
Data Access
Complementary Data
Genetic/genomic data
Genetic Data Collected
Linked Data
HDR UK Innovation Gateway
Additional information
Related Measures
Biomarkers, Cognitive measures, Diet and nutrition, Education, Housing, Loneliness and social isolation, Migration and immigration, Neighbourhood and community, Parenting and family, Physical health assessment, Political and social attitudes, Sleep problems, Socioeconomic status and deprivation, Work and employment,
Study Code
Reference paper(s)
“Benzeval, M., Der, G., Ellaway, A., Hunt, K., Sweeting, H., West, P., & Macintyre, S. (2009). Cohort profile: West of Scotland Twenty-07 study: health in the community. International Journal of Epidemiology, 38(5), 1215-1223